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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Morgan, upon returning to the mart, went up to the slain deathclaw and looked at it in triumph before he took his eye of from the horn. He smiled briefly before he went under a tree and buried it, seeing as he wouldnt need it anymore.


He then went up to the deathclaw and cut off its horns, thinking they would do fine for crafting. While doing this he noticed that one eye was missing and he found this a bit strange but he entered the mart to meet up with the others.


"Guess who is back?"


He said, entering the store

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Vlads hands were shaking, he knew he was going to do something horrible if he had to. But then..in the moment Vlad began to laugh.

"What the hell am I suppose to ask the guy anyway!" Vlad shook his head, deciding that he would obtain the proper instruments of torture by scouring the Mart.

Vlad, his rifle in hand he walked slowly through the bloody isles. The Mart was gloomed with terror, its essence of death lingering about like a shadow following you wherever you go. Vlad would often hear sounds and aim, though nothing were to pop out and charge.


Vlad then began gather tools, a hammer, a saw, rusted scissors, a few rags, a lighter, a wrench, pliers, and all the sorts ment for torturing. Vlad grimaced the though of it, though he had to do it to at least contribute to the cause for Cathy and Versing. Then, the Marts door opened..footsteps echoed and Vlads heart stopped. He laid the tools down quietly trying to make no sound. He positioned himself behind a counter, where a cash register was and some empty nuka cola bottles scattered around it.


"Come now Vlad, dont play shy we are all civilized no?" A voice said, a voice Vlad recognized..he peaked his head up and unfortunately the man saw him. He then approached Vlad in a rather nonchalant way as if greeting an old friend. "Ah Vladimir!" The man said, with every step his leather jacket jingled the sound of ammo in every hidden pocket. His tinted shades bounced on his nose and his slicked back auburn hair gleamed as it froze in movement. He had a dimple, an italian look about him as well. He spoke with a rather harsh tone but in all seriousness he was a man of jesting.


Vlad looked to his feet, then stood. Hopping out from behind the counter he looked to him and said. "Leo, what a damned surprise." Leo smiled a cocky smile and shook Vlads hand with a strong firm grip. Leo gave a look to Vlad as if examining him and said. "It's good to see you so well and dandy right bud, how ya doing?"

Vlad didn't smile, Vlad did not welcome him but he sure was scared but didn't show it. For Vlad knew he was a well known Mercenary captain, and he led with a fierce group of them. They were all clad in black leather, and behind that leather was reinforced vests that could take a few shotgun shells pointblank and these men were professional killers. And Vlad..oh Vlad was curious why he was here. "Whats your business here Leo." Vlad stated out flatly, a serious look on his face.


"Oh straight to business then, alright Vlad Alright. You got some heat on your ass and im not talking about ow that's hot I mean damn i'm burnt heat. You got a bounty on your head and a damned high one. I'm a good guy, so yea know I came here to let ya know." Vlad shook his head, he knew Leo since he was born childhood friends in megaton but things changed after he got into the Boss's corporation. "I don't have to pay a debt..that was my fathers debt."

Leo frowned, he was hopeing for some idle chat but it seemed like Vlad just wanted to skip pleasantries. "Yea, but you killed Vlad..and now its your for doing so."

Leo jabbed his index finger into Vlads chest and Vlad sneered. "He killed my mother..what was I suppose to do." Vlad spoke with a harsh and strict tone and Leo didn't like it one bit, his expression was now becoming red and his nostrils flared.


"You ever find out why your dad killed her huh..you ever tried to investigate the cause?" Leo began to speak, Vlad trying to intervene but he could not as Leo continued.

"But hey, you should know now that your a dead man..your mom..the one you love. Yeah her, she was going to sell you to the boss Vlad she was going to sell you and he was going to make you into one of his pets like little Malcolm. You understand, your dad killed her for you and in turn you did something so damn stupid and only got your self killed in the long run." Vlad was shocked, he took this in within an instant and the thoughts running through his head was diabolic. He knew he was telling the truth, Leo never lied to him and then the next thing Leo said..snapped him right out of it.


"Vlad..I'm sorry, but i'll give you five minutes..five minutes and i'm shutting you down bud. I'm sorry." Leo spoke with a true remorse, he didn't want to do it but he had to..it was business. So, Leo left, without saying a word he opened the jingling door of the Mart and vanished. Vlad snapped out of his daze and yelled.


Vlad noticed Morgan walking in, just moments after Leo had left and he yelled. "Morgan, I need you to get to Sandro and tell him hell is on its way!"

Edited by boneless1
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Sandro was sitting grumpily on a counter. "Well, that's peachy, smoothskin. Everyone forgets ol' Sandro here. I get very few kills, I sit and doze off, and find out a buncha plans been made without me." He grumbles and curses in Spanish under his breath.


Tomoyo clears out some bodies, and with an old mop and and bucket she finds in a back room she cleans the floor as well as she can. "A clean home means a clean soul." Was a phrase her mother used a fair bit. She whimpered a little when she saw all the men in the area, going to huddle near Axelle. She would really need to get over this fear of men, but she was finding it incredibly difficult.

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Cathy looked over, catching a glimpse of the man leaving the store, blinking softly. she boredly kicked the Legionairre with a smirk.


"Who was that, Vladdy? Should we go outside and attack him? And before you give me a speech about him being too tough, I wanna go after the frickin' LEGION. I'm not afraid of some Leather Clad Monkey Nut."

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Morgan stepped into the store, nodded at cathy and looked at vlad. "Who was that? Old "friend"?"



He then turned and face Sandro "Hi there Sandro, how's life?"

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Vlad stopped in his tracks hearing Cathy mock him and Morgans question he began to think, rubbing his head. "uh..uh yeah old friend but turned bad, and no Cathy i'm not giving you a speech..but..we have five minutes before those leather monkies come busting in with weapons that..well we are outgunned but hell we have a fine Super market to shoot in. So five minutes.." Vlad began to wander off in a brisk pace back to his counter, stacking up crates and metal materials on them.


"Sorry Morgan, I know you just got back but we are going to have to fight, if your to injured you should watch the legion guy. he is in that room if you turn left and go down the hall way there is a empty closet where he is stashed. Axelle took him there and I think she is there."


Vlad looks to Sandro. "Sandro I need you in the front lines with me, they will be busting through the door soon and I need your help you take the left side of the door where the customer service area is." He pointed across from where he was, a rather large area that had a high counter as well, a little far from the door but flanking would be suitable. "Cathy, take your place in the store preferably where you would be able to see them and they not see you when they walk in."


Vlad then looked to Morgan. "And if you are capable, stay behind heavy cover not in heavy heat but heat well enough to make you sweat."

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"Yeah I think it's best to go guard that prisoner, don't want to risk anything seeing as I got pretty badly beaten up earlier. But I can help set up some fortifications first, should be some materials we can use"


Morgan started to look around for anythign that could be used as cover

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"I'll be up there with you, too, Vlad. i don't appreciate wannabe Mercs f*****g with my buddies. But, really, anyone got extra 5.56 ammo?"


Cathy pulled her M16 out, readying for a fight.


"Before this goes down, Vers.. you never answered me if you wanted me to sprouce your armor up. I'm a whiz with crafting.

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"Bloody brilliant. First time anyone remembers me is to tell me to get ready for a fight. God dammit! Who the hell am I killing this time?" He sees a sawed off Shotgun on the floor, and finds some bullets behind the counter he was sitting on. "This could be useful..." He mutters. He sees a man with a gun run through the door loads his new toy, running towards the man, shouts "Hey, Smoothskin!" When the man turns distracted, he crooks an arm to stabilize the gun, puts the gun pointing at the man, says "Boom!" Fires his gun, splattering the man's head on a nearby wall. "Headshot!" He grins. "That's gonna work out just fine."


Tomoyo pulls out her Plasma rifle, looking discouraged she doesn't have much ammo left. She sees more people run in, and starts firing, turning two into goo before they can even fire.


All of a sudden, with a huge ROAR, Leeroy the Yao Guai falls through a ruined skylight, landing on the ground. He sees Sandro shooting at the men coming through the door, runs forward and bites the head off one, and starts swinging his massive paws at the others, knocking one man flying.


Sakura, Tomoyo's pet hawk flies down through the skylight, and at a command from Tomoyo, starts pecking and slashing at the eyes of the men pouring in.

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Cathy shrugged it off and used what she could, running forward with the gun aimed at her sides, firing at the chest of the wannabe Mercs. She realized that this gun had something different to it then, as the bullets were actually piercing their armor, meaning something was making the normal rounds into AP rounds. She ducked mehind a counter, and luckily enough, landed knee-first on a Winchester City-Klller Combat Shotgun, a dead Raider with 20 pocketed Shells and a lock ammo box with a good 80 more rounds. she smiled at her new find, sneaking up on the attackers with a fury, firing off the loud, semi-auto shotgun at them, one of them getting it directly in the eye, taking his head clean off.
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