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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Junius was slightly surprised when a woman joined the group. She made fun of the one-eyed man, the less trusting one. When she asked them who they were, Taurus answered.

"I'm Skyler Marshall, and my friend here is Jay Sanders. We met up way up there by the satellite relays in the North-Western wasteland, and have been wandering and scavenging ever since."

Junius calculated in his head a little, looking away from the man so as not to draw suspicion. Instead, he examined his surroundings.

"Hey, Skyler, we're here, let's go look for somethin' we can sell." He said to Taurus. They went around to legitimately scavenge. Junius continued to think on the members of the group he had seen so far. No doubt they were still just some suspicious figures, but Junius cold tell one thing for sure: the One-Eyed Man, who had walked into a lamp post, was, so far, the most suspicious out of everyone in the group. Either Junius or Taurus would have to keep as sharp an eye on him as he would inevitably be keeping on them. Versing was too trusting. Within seconds, he had allowed armed strangers to approach him, without knowing their motives, and that was a weakness that could be exploited. He was obviously armed and dangerous, as was anybody within the group, but he had motives against the Legion, so any sign that they weren't what they seemed and he would jump their cases more so than the One-Eyed Man did. It was undeniable that Versing had received combat training, but the full extent of which was unclear, as Junius had not directly seen Versing in action.

"Right, let's get to that building before it's too late, who knows if somebody is trapped in there?" The One-Eyed Man said. Junius nodded.

"Yeah, good idea. Hate to accidentally leave someone lying around, bleeding to death, so close yet so far from help. It wouldn't be a good way to go out." He said.




Versing examined the newcomers carefully, and came to the conclusion that they were as they said they were: Wastelanders. He grabbed his assault rifle and began combing the ruins, looking for survivors, or good gear lying around. He examined his armor as he was doing do. Man, he really would have to take Cathy up on her armor refurbishment offer. He noticed signs of a firefight. Bullet casings everywhere, a shredded piece of concrete that somebody might have taken cover behind. He even found a massive scorch mark, and a small crater, on the ground, like either a grenade or a rcoket had gone off. A man-sized hole in a wall suggested that somebody was sent flying with some force. He cautiously climbed through the hole, assault rifle raised. He looked around, and it didn't take major detective skills to notice the multitudes of freshly-disturbed dust and dirt still flying around in the air. A massive pile of rubble covered what looked like the entrance to a basement or hallway. He looked down, hoping for any more clues, and saw only one: blood stains. A trail of fresh blood, like somebody had been severely wounded and attempted to limp away, or even drag themselves. He had seen enough, for now. He adressed everybody within the vicinity.

"Hey, guys, I'm not sure if you found anything, but there's a trail of fresh blood here, and possibly the area of the explosion. The latter I'm not sure about, though. Might want to come check it out. Maybe somebody else can get more out of this than I can.

Edited by Flipout6
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"Sandro looked in disbelief as that woman Cathy tossed a loaded gun to a man already contemplating suicide. He hops down off the counter, pipe in his back teeth, and grabs the gun away. "Not for you, smoothskin. Not giving a man who has tried to kill us, and tried to kill himself a bloody assault rifle." He places it on the other side of the counter, then sits back down.


Tomoyo retrieves the rifle, and begins looking it over to see how it worked in comparison to her plasma rifle.

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Axelle plucked the assault rifle out of Sandro's hands and gave it back to Ferox, "Oh, no. He'll do fine with it..." She cast an evil smile in the short man's direction. "Won't you?"


A shiver ran down Ferox's spine as Axelle gave him that look. "Yes, ma'am... My only two good fingers are my trigger ones anyway."

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Morgan came and crouched down by the blood trail "Hmm it's fresh alright, goes this way"


Morgan started to follow the trail when he suddenly heard some screaming coming from an injured super mutant who tried to shoot him, but Morgan was slightly faster "So there are survivors down here"


He looked around some more until he finaly found the personal shelter and opened it, inside he found a passed out woman whose armor looked a bit familiar


"Well well well, if it isn't our mysterious friend" Morgan chuckled as he took out some medcial supplies and patched up the worst bits, he then picked her up to head back towards the base


"Looks like we are going to need our good friend the doctor"

Edited by MikeRyan
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Since he never carried weapons, Dylan stayed behind, allowing the others to go look first. But when he heard Morgan call for his help, he ran to the location. He ran up to the woman, and began to check her vital signs. She was in really bad shape. Her arm and collarbone seemed to be broken, and it was very likely she had some internal bleeding. It was slightly difficult to tell this while she was wearing such a large suit of armor, but he had training for all sorts of occasions. "This woman is in very bad condition, gentlemen. We need to get this armor off, and get some sort of stretcher to get her out of here." Edited by nethgros
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Ferox looked at the woman's poor condition and shook his head, "I knew I should have brought Hydra on my assignment. I feel so stupid. I mean, it doesn't take a doctor to see that arm's broken. I don't know what else is wrong with her, but it would help her out some, and it would probably heal my fingers in seconds... I know how to make it, they taught me when I was a grunt, but I'm just not sure if we have the ingredients. I mean, there aren't even any nightstalkers around here and I'd need two vials of blood, plus a poison gland from a radscorpion and some cave fungus."


Axelle peeked over Ferox again, "What's a nightstalker?"


"It's an abomination, a combination of coyotes and rattlesnakes..."


"Sounds cute!" Axelle smiled and looked back at her dogs, who had been quiet and well-behaved even while she and Ferox were locked in the room a while ago.

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Versing was puzzled with the unconcious person in the booth. He could've sworn he saw a badge of some sort, but he didn't examine her. Still, he would help her any way he could.

"I'll help carry the stretcher. We might have to improvise, though." Jay and Skyler nodded beside him. "Maybe two big sticks, and a bedroll....?"

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Morgan nodded and put her down on the floor carefully. "Yes, two long sticks and a bedroll should do the trick, I got a bedroll in my pack after she put some bloody armor on it but we are going to need to find sticks to make it good"



He started to inspect her armor to try and see if he could see anyplace where you could get it loose without injuring her body much further

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Cathy propped her gun on her should, shaking her head to Sandro.


"Sandro, old boy-- Did I really say that? you people're rubbing off on me. Ahem. Come on. Give the guy a chance. The suicidal tendancies'll wear off in good company, and he was just followin' forced orders when he tried to off us. He seems like a good guy. Heck, he doesn't even say Kai-Sar. Well, not everytime, anyways."


Cathy looked at the fallen person near Morgan, blinking.


"Ooh, who's the dame? What happened to her?"

Edited by DemonLady
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Axelle crossed her arms. "We could just zip her up inside a sleeping bag, then weave some rebars through the sides... Although it'll be pretty much useless when we're done using it, because of the holes."


Ferox patted Cathy on the shoulder, "Thanks for giving me a chance."

Edited by tokyobleach
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