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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Cathy crouched down in front of a long dead Raider, who had all but a leg blown off. She ripped the leg-guard of the Raider Painspike Armor she wore off, and subsequentally strapped and pinned it around the leg of Versing's old NCR armor.


"there's your first piece. I always likes the Painspike leguards, 'cause if you need to Roundhouse someone, you've got those spikes to do extra damage, plus they're really durable. As for the money, don't worry about it. i don't charge friends. Sell that old rifle to Moira, and mention my name. you'll get more than anywhere else because I'm a friend of hers."

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"Alright, thanks Cathy. I'll probably replace i soon, ideally with pieces of combat armor, but i'll use this for now. Now, exactly what could your plan for the execution of Alistair Tenpenny be?"




The reinforcements were but a few hours away. From the top of the tower, Junius and Tenpenny could actually SEE the Legionairies on their way to the tower. They had one mountain to cross, and then just a couple miles of flat ground until they reached their newbase. They moved quickly, and were well-organized. Junius had mixed up a single cohort and two cohorts and realized that he wouldn't have six fellow centurions, he would have twelve, as six centurions led a cohort. Combined the men that he had already, and including Junius himself, theere would be a thousand and one Legionairies at the tower. (There would be 1005, but he lost four men during the assault on the tower.) Junius made sure that there was planry of space for them, and when he was done with that, he had his men fortify the tower, raising the cement walls surrounding it, for starters. Once they had crucified those chosen, and laid them out in front of the tower, they would place a minefield around it. of course, All of the Legionairies knew this, but nobody else would. Sentries with binoculars would be placed on the top floor, free to observe the surrounding wasteland for any signs of trouble but much harder for snipers to hit, and far more inconspicuous than four tall figures standing on a tower. The emergency escape had been sealed shut with explosives, preventing hostile forces from entering, and the Legionairies from fleeing. If they were to lose the tower, they would go down fighting as all Legionairies should, Junius included. He would die fighting hostile forces if need be, if it meant that Caesar's orders would be fulfilled. He turned to Tenpenny up on the cross.

" Know this, profligate, if snybody comes to kill you, they shall turn away and let you rot, or simply shoot you where you hang. You will also serve as a warning to all dissolutes within this land, and a beckoning call for all members of Caesar's great Legion. Be grateful in the knowledge that the Legion has given you purpose in death, so that your corruption during your lifetime might be outdone." He stood on the roof and watched as the distant Legionairies approached the Capital Wasteland.

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"Well, like I said. Three of us go in acting as Legionairres. Specifically, the "Surviving" assassins. We take out who we can, and then, if we can get there soon enough, I can use the voice modulator I'll get from Moira to disguise my voice as the commanding officer, and call off any reinforcements that're coming. Anyone who's left goes in as a slave. That's be the girls, and the remaining men. Sandro would have to hide and be our outside contact, because the Legion would shoot him on sight.."
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"I doubt that it will work. Taking out the current occupants will be hard enough, but such a large operation will have orders and strategies created and signed by Caesar himself, or perhaps Legate Lanius, their current military sovereign. The death of the first Legion force will not matter a lot. Caesar will not have his entire plan fringing on a small force of Legionairies. Plus, those assassins that ambushed us at our previous camp had been resupplied by the group at the tower, and they had probably stayed over night. The Legionairies will recognize their faces. They were the last group alive, as well, so there will be no mistaking us for another group. I highly doubt that that will work at all. And there is also the unknown to consider. The Legion will be expecting an attack, and will have fortified the tower, put security at the gates, and collapsed the emergency exit. They are not the type to retreat, they will go down fighting, every last one of them. They may have even put down a minefield, you never know what the found in the tower armouries." Edited by Flipout6
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"maybe you're right... so what if we just destroy the tower and every last son of a b**** in it?"


Cathy smirked at her own sadistic idea, but she knew if they couldn't sneak in, then maybe they could destroy it.



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"Unless...... what? Anything big enough to destroy the tower will be extremely hard to find, and that tower can still be used as a living space for regular people in the wasteland, if we succeed in killing everybody there. If it's destroyed, the explosion will probably leave behind some radiation, which could easily blow over to Megaton, similar to nuclear fallout. Hell, if we actually use a nuclear weapon, Megaton WILL be suffering a nuclear fallout. And if it leaves behind radiation, that can get into the water that The Lone Wanderer purified. They'd probably come right back here, kick our A**es, and then enhance project purity. If we do get something big enough to destroy the tower, it'll be big enough to potentially kill one of us if we don't get out of there fast enough, and if it doesn't, the debris will. Blowing the tower up is not a good idea. Nor is the idea of using toxic chemicals, because then it would become unlivable and the chemicals would eventually start leaking out into the Wasteland and killing people, possibly including children. All it has to do, whether it's radiation or mustard gas, is blow north a little bit, and then those kids at Little Lamplight are breathing it in." Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan appeared behind Versing, nodding in greeting towards the two


"Sorry for interupting but the best bet would proboably be sneaking in through a tunnel"

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Versing turned to Morgan.

"The only tunnel in will have been collapsed already, and any others in that there are will have been, too. The Legion rarely retreats, and this is one of the groups that will stand their ground until death. There isn't going to be a new one magically appearing, either, and making one would attract their attention anyway, and then they would block the way out and kill us all."

Edited by Flipout6
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"That might be true, but a small charge placed in the right place could proboably clean up some room, but it would proboably alert the guards. Do you think they sealed off the sewer access?"


Morgan held a cigar in his hands, still to weak in his lungs to smoke it but not too weak to toy with it

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"What, like through the toilets? Any way a human can get into them, possibly. And what happens when some Legionairie is on the can and three Legionairie assassins come crawling through the stall next to him? Assassins would come in through the front gate, since they're Legion. And if three Legionairies were seen coming out of a bathroom together, people will get suspicious, even if we weren't all covered in gunk. They'll think that we were, ahem, doing things in there. The Legion punishes homosexuality with death, people back West that fled from the Legion can confirm it." Edited by Flipout6
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