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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"Considering its an old building, there might be an underground acces tunnel from either the sewers or the metro for easy maintenance, but knowing the legion they proboably have more mines down there then an Klondike mountain"


Morgan twirled the cigar around his fingers while thinking "Then again, those tunnels are probably crawling with enemies so they might be a bad idea anyways"

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"Wait, remind me why we're going into the tower? Because getting people killed isn't worth it just to execute Tenpenny."
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"Maybe.. We can combine the two plans.. I just got to thinking. The Legion deals with evil Wastelanders that sell them slaves, right? Well, what if we disguised ourselves as Slavers from Paradise Falls, got into the tower to speak with the commanding officer, and while they're distracted, others could sneak int through the sewer access, which the Tower must have, they have working toilets, they need a sewer, and plant C4 around. I say C4, because with enough, we could take out enough of the bottom of the tower to cause the rest to collapse, killing most, if not all the Legion occupants! I know somewhere we can get a good haul of Stealth Boys if need be, too, but I'd need to do some talkin, and maybe some theft from the good ole Brotherhood of Steel, but it could be done!"
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"Wait, remind me why we're going into the tower? Because getting people killed isn't worth it just to execute Tenpenny." Edited by Flipout6
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"Well, they might have plans for expansion inside the tower or other important info. But I agree that an assault or even trying to sneak in would be suicide"
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"Rubble and debris could kill more people than we intend. A collapsed building spews smoke and dust everywhere, enough to make someone very sick. They used several chemicals in the process of building the tower, and unleashing those into the air can have unpredictable effects. And how would we get out? Knocking it down isn't an option. NCR would do it without question, but I won't. There's a reason I used to be friendly with the Followers of the Apocalypse. Regular people need a fair chance, as well." Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan nodded in agreement, slowly ofcourse not to upset his head


"That is true my friend, and if we blew that building high enough to paint the moon brown with dirt it would sure attract unwanted attention. Infiltration is starting to sound better but I think we should just wait with doing anything"

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"I'm thinking about that. I know a recipe.. For a special kind of C4. Less powerful than normal C4, so more would be need, but it's specially made to deter harmful chemicals and radiation from going into the air. And you keep forgetting that C4 uses a wireless detonator, we'd be far, far away from the blast. And if need be, we can warn citizens of near-by settlements to wear protection until we tell them it's safe."
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"Special chemicals from the C4's blast, or special kinds of chemicals in general? How can we be sure that the signal will even reach the C4, if it's behind walls or underground? Besides, we're collapsing the foundation, not blowing a hole in the earth. Whatever it does to reduce the spread of chemicals will be rendered useless when it is detonated underground and an entire building falls on top of the only exit the gas or whatever can take." Edited by Flipout6
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