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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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[Ygg stops in mid-attack, and 2 bullets graze her face and her thigh as she kick flip-evades them as fast as possible. one bullet manages to reach her left shoulder while she manages to deflect the last bullet away with her sword. she lands on her foot and knee] ... Oww! gaaah.... [feeling her wounds] now i really need a doctor. [turns to kira's direction] don't you remember me?!


[glares at vlad] and you are?.......

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Kira, in a loud, almost screeching voice continues shouting. "What is going on!? Who are you!?" She stands, appearing from behind the Yao Guai, gun aimed in the approximate direction of the sworduser.
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[turns to kira's screeching and finally notices the yao guai, looking surprised] i don't recall.... gah... you being particularly friendly with yao guais..... [focused on kira's gun] ..and i see you still don't have your sword drawn. [looks around] no one interferes!
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Kira seemingly flails her arms at her attacker, blocking several kicks, though many get through. Once she sees an opening, she goes for a full-body grab, attempting use a combination of her her own weight, and leg movements, to bring her opponent to the ground. She seems to remain strangely quiet during the fight, with the exception of a few grunts as she takes a hit.
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