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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Dylan had been in a sort of trance before the bomb went off, as he was quite deep in thought. It took him a few moments to realize that Morgan had left, along with several others to investigate. "Did I miss anything out here?"
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Versing turned to him. "Sounded like an explosion. A big one, like maybe somebody has a missile launcher, or worse, a Fat Man." Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement. He pulled out his assault rifle, just in case, and looked for it. The two strange Wastelanders walking cautiously towards the source of the explosion, guns ready, weren't making an effort to hide themselves. smart enough, Versing thought. If they surprise someone by accident, they could get shot.




"Jay" and "Skyler" made sure not to hide themselves as they walked towards the probable source of the explosion, and the small group of people that had gotten there. Their weapons were drawn, in case the group was hostile, but if they were, they wouldn't have nearly as many people with them as they do. Jay, (Junius) waved at the group, perfectly in character. It seemed to catch the attention of one of them, at least. Jay saw that it was Versing, out of all of them. He yelled to the people by the explosion site as a whole.

"Any of you guys know what the heck that 'splosion was? We were hopin'there was some good loot."

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Axelle peeked over Ferox's head at the sound of the explosion, "Ooh, what do you think that was?"


"No idea," he replied, and then shot a confused look at Axelle, "Will you quit rubbing it in that you're taller than me?"


The girl propped her chin on the top of his head, "Nah."


"Whatever... Do you see those guys over there waving?"


Axelle crossed her arms, "They give off a funny air. Probably from somewhere far off. They give the kind of feeling that all of you guys from the west do... So oddly friendly."


"Said the girl using the assassin as a pillow."

Edited by tokyobleach
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Sandro decides to let the young ones investigate this explosion, relaxes on the counter. He pulls back out his pipe, refills it and lights it up again. He puffs on it thoughtfully. "Hey, kid. Why aren't we going to that armory yet? I would love to get my hands on some new toys. Besides, it's boring sitting around here." He blows a smoke ring at the assassin Axelle was using for a pillow. "Don't you get any funny ideas, mister. I got my eye on you." He sits back against a half ruined pillar, and continues. "You remember me tellin you about my daughter, right? Well, my grandfather taught me to light and fill one of these. My grandmother gave him hell for it, but I know how to light, fill and smoke a pipe because of him. This was his, you know that? How it ended up here is anyone's guess. That watch should work, by the way. Just wind it, but be careful, that spring ain't gonna be easy to replace."


Tomoyo sits and listens to the Ghoul's stories, while Leeroy lays down to relax.

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Versing yelled back to them.

"We don't know, we just got here. Who are you guys?" One of them, the one in the hoodie with a hunting rifle, responded.

"I'm Jay Sanders," He indicated his friend. "And this is Skyler Marshall. We're Wastelanders that scavenge for a living." Versing squinted at them, and then waved for them to come closer.

"Yelling is a dinner bell for anything nearby. And I'm sure Morgan doesn't want to murder another deathclaw. Come closer, at least!" He shouted.

Jay and Skyler looked at each other, nodded, and then began to head closer. At least they wouldn't be shot on sight.

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Morgan looked at the newcomers, inspecting them thoroughly, holding his rifle in a tight grip incase they would try anything funny.


"No I'm not planning on killing another deathclaw, but I'm going to keep my eye on you. Something smells a bit fishy about you two, then again I rarely trust strangers."


He kept eyeballing them, trying to see if they had anything to hide

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Skyler turned to Morgan.

"Something always seems a bit fishy about strange people coming out of the Wasteland, right? Ah, don't worry about it. We're here to hopefully scav some good equipment. We ain't raiders."

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Cathy had seemed to have not even been paying attention to anything else around her as she finished cleaning and repairing her guns, her M16 now having a Bayonett, while her M1911 now had an extended clip and optional silencer, but was eventually alerted by the voices and such.


"What in God's name was that explosion?"


Grabbing her guns off the table, she ran outside to join the others, tossing a decently restored AK-112 Chinese Assault Rifle modified to use 5mm rounds to Ferox, nodding to him.


"Might need some good fire-power if we get in crap. Keep that with ya."


With that, she bolted outside, looking around. She'd also slightly heard the ding from the pole earlier, plus she saw Morgan holding his nose, and put two and two together.


"Did you walk into the frickin' pole, you idiot?" She couldn't help but laugh at him, patting him on the back as she walked by. "'Kay, that explosion was...? And these guys are....?," jestering to Skylar and Jay.

Edited by DemonLady
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Morgan looked at the men one last time and then nodded "Right, let's get to that building before it's too late, who knows if somebody is trapped in there?"
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