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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Kira takes the hit with a grunt, getting knocked off balance, though she attempts to shift her weight to fall onto Ygg. She has a look of intense focus as she fights, keeping an eye on her opponent at all times.
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Tired, fatigued and injured he sat at moriarties. His mind on the drink and his thoughts on some particular females. He slide a few caps to the ghoul server as he poured him some good liquor. Vlad, whom was sodded already peered around the place, it was ragged, broke down and smelt horrid. Filled with smoke and people that just wanted to waste their caps with alcohol. "Shame." Vlad said as he took a long drawn out swig of his good drink. Vlad's thoughts were traveling, to those who "saved" him and to the little girl he saw. What became of her he has no clue. He sat, listening to the radio, the bandage wrapped around his head began to be thick with red. He did not mind it, he drunk his pain away as if it never happened. He counted out his coin and grinned to himself, though thoughts of the school came back to him almost as sharp as a blade. His head began to hurt, his legs began to ache; Vlad was frightened, still for some odd reason. He has never came close to death as he did within the confines of that pit of death they call a "school."


As he was drinking, deep in thought someone in particular entered the room. A man well known to little Vlad, he scratched his beard uncomfortably and grumbled. Vlad could almost smell 'em, he knew this person so well he knows the patterns of the sound when he walks, he was so familiar to this one person that he recognized the smell, the aroma that one gave off when entering a smoke filled chamber.


"'Evenin Vlad." The man said, his voice deep and commanding even though his commanding tone was not intentional he sounded angry almost every time he see's him.

He gestured with his hand for a drink as he slid a few caps on the counter. Vlad glanced to him, taking another sip grunts to the mans attire.

"Business suit, clean shoes, nice hat, shaved face, short hair, brown eyes, clean face, tall, bulky and has good posture..business today it seems."


As the man got his drink he took a swig of it and smiled quite jolly like at Vlad and spoke.

"You still have not paid your fathers debt. Time is ticking Vlad, don't make me wait."


Vlad nodded, looking to his .44 holster to make sure it was with him. Even though he was sure he was now far to drunk to do any substantial damage. He knew this man had a bad leg, he could use that to his advantage Vlad thought. "Someone said the same thing earlier." Vlad said as he sipped his drink, almost grinning as he saw the outcome of the one who previously said the same exact thing.


The man shrugged nonchalantly and looked Vlad over, eying him up and down almost as if sizing him up. Vlad took note that the man slide his hand down his right pocket, seeing the strange movements he had deducted that it was a weapon of sorts, probably of physical use. "Brass Knuckles..spiked..perhaps a knife..no,no Vlad think." Vlad began to sweat nervously, he was a troubled man..in debt and now back into the same position of trouble. All because of his rat like father!


"I'll have your caps."


"When I get it."


The man snarled in discontent, the expression on his face going grim with disgust. Almost as if he though Vlad was a creature of sorts, only to be smashed with a stomp of his foot. The man placed his hand on Vlads left shoulder, gripping tightly almost squeezing it.

Vlad leaned to compensate for the minor pain he was causing him and grunted. The man leaned forward, closely and slowly.

"Tomorrow Vlad..I'm tired of waiting.." The man released Vlads shoulder, Vlad who recoiled from the pain rubbed his neck and mumbled a many curses and just finished his drink. The man in the suit left the bar, almost slamming the door, the ghoul server staring at Vlad with a curious look on his ghoul ravaged face.

"It seems..this drink might be your last Vlad." Vlad smirked as the ghoul quietly slid him another one, giving Vlad the nod as if saying "On me friend." Vlad grinned wide as he popped the bottle open and chugged it. "And here I was convinced megaton was safe..now..here I am soon to be riddled with bullets and punctured with knives, and bruised by the many knuckles soon to come, to you my valiant friend." He smiled, only sadness roamed in the back of his mind, the thoughts of regret and disdain for nothing he does that seem to be good always comes out bad..and then worse for little ol'Vlad.

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[stands up slowly while suddenly holding her injured shoulder, blood freely flowing] ....this..... is pointless kira, it seems we cant get the upper hand with one another......... and fighting you now, i see you've grown immensely in skill. [grins but is visibly hurt] your lost memories changed you somehow. [brings up her hand to kira, motioning to shake hands]....
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[while shaking hands] agreed. but you are humble and wholly mistaken there, as you've already wounded me with your obvious skills in gunplay. although i disdain projectile weaponry, i must admit to it's effectiveness.


[looking at kira ruefully] and you still do not remember who i am don't you?

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Axelle watched the two women fight with the sort of prowess in hand to hand combat she had only read about in books. The tangle between the combatants had been indescribably graceful and yet the threat of death still permeated the air of the whole thing, as if each could effortlessly take the life of their opponent if they had not been so evenly matched. She was a bit confused about the entire thing, and scuffed at the ground with her boot.
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