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Cannot equip this quest item right now


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So yeah that is what pops up when i try to equip my amulet. It was after the amulet was forcifully removed from me. Similar to the ring of the vipereye bug.


Back then i could just look up the baseID and spell ID of that ring on the wiki in order to fix my problem. But my current amulet is a custom one from a mod. I checked in the CS but i have no idea where to find the base or spell ID,

i tried changing the amulet to a non quest item in the CS but that did not resolve the problem, so my last hope is to use console to dispel the effect ( because even though i do not have it equipped i still have the effects )

and then hopefully to make it equippable again aswell.


But i think i can settle for just dispelling the effect and finding a new amulet.


So does anyone know where i can find the spell or base ID of this custom amulet?


EDIT : Okay so it's behind a collapsed column, i figured that out. So i find the formID for the enchantment that i want displled. I do the console thing but ... nothing. Just some nonsense about the enchantment not being found...


I am at my wits' end -.-

Edited by Kasz94
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Start the CS and load Oblivion.esm and the mod that added your amulet (no need to make anything active ... we're not changing or saving anything). Find the amulet added by the mod in the Object window (you will likely need to expand some categories unless you have previously been browsing through them). Just to the right of the amulet's Form ID column (left most column in the right side pane of the Object window) you'll see two small vertical lines close to one another. Click and hold on the right side line of the pair and drag to the right. This will uncollapse the column that shows the Base ID of the amulet.


Write down the baseID while replacing the left most two digits with XX (if the baseID column says it's 01045678 write down XX045678). The actual baseID for the amulet in game will have XX replaced by the hexadecimal number of the mod from your load order. You could use your mod list generated by Wrye Bash to get those first two numbers or you could simply find another item added by the same mod in the game and open the console and click on it. The first two numbers of that item will be the same as the first two digits for your amulet. For example, if the mod adds an Amulet of Super Strength and a Ring of Power and you want the first two digits for the amulet, find the ring and click on it. If it's refID is shown as 4e023456 then your amulet's baseID from the example numbers shown above would be 4e045678.

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To the right of formID is count. ;S


But it doesn't even really matter anymore. All i care about right now is getting rid of the enchantment. I find the formID in the CS of the enchantment, but it just doesn't work when i try to dispel it with console.


EDIT : Solved it. I had to find the MagicID infact, silly me. But thanks anyway!

Edited by Kasz94
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Hmm ... removespell <SpellCode> requires a spell code. Not sure where you'd find that. I don't have the CS on my laptop. The location of the collapsed column could be off ... just look for two vertical lines close together.
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