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Abyss Demon Wing Problems


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What method of archive invalidation are you using (the recommended these days is BSA Redirection ... most often enabled using Oblivion Mod Manager or Wrye Bash)?
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Not a problem ... there's a lot to learn and the way you're starting (by manually installing) will help you find the next thing to learn. Never be afraid to ask, as the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.


In a nutshell archive invalidation is a method of getting the game to use replacement assets added by mods that don't have an esp (or that have an esp but also rely on simple replacements like this mod). The vanilla unmodded game uses meshes, textures, sounds etc. from within the game's BSA files (which are just a compressed file similar to zip or 7z files). Unless instructed otherwise it will always use assets from the BSA files, even if you add a replacement. The various ways of enabling archive invalidation all get the game to use assets that are newer than the vanilla game assets.


Probably the simplest way for you to enable BSA Redirection is to install Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Although it is getting pretty outdated to use as a mod manager/installer it is easier to get set up and working than Wrye Bash (but WB is a far superior utility to use for mod management and installation).


Note that OBMM requires .NET 2.0 (which you likely already have installed). Once you have OBMM installed open it and click the 'Utilities' button. Select 'Archive Invalidation' and from the dialogue that opens select BSA Redirection (while leaving all other options at their default). Close OBMM (it doesn't have a 'Save' option ... it saves changes when it closes). BSA Redirection is a 'do once and you're good' solution.


The only other possibility that could be giving you problems is if you installed Oblivion to the default location C:\Program Files. If that's the case and you are running either Vista or Windows 7 consult Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure to help get the game out from under UAC's clutches. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top about moving your Steam install location.

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I tried the Archive Invalidation and it didn't seem to work, bu t I have a feeling it might be that I installed it in the default location

UPDATE: Moving the file location didn't work. Still has a bugged skeleton

Update 2: Got wings fixed, but the screen is completely gray when I'm in the game. Only way I can see my character is through the inventory.

Edited by jensenb
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Microsoft's security feature User Account Control (UAC) can cause problems with the game once you start adding mods. It doesn't interfere with the unmodded game, but the way mods work is they 'change' the default game state, something that UAC sees as virus/malware type behaviour, so it 'protects' you from yourself.


If you do follow Bben46's article don't skip the registry cleaning step either. The registry entries from your first installation will cause problems when you try to re-install to C:\Games.

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