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REQUEST: Make a mod to make gold HARDER to get


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IMO in games like this, gold is just fricken EVERYWHERE. I mean you open someone's room, go into their dresser, look on the bed, on the ground, on bandits, on soldiers, hell even fricken wildlife and undead (who have been lying in their tombs for centuries) have gold on them.


I admit Skyrim does have a pretty balanced economy compared to most games. Diablo 3, for example, is just absolutely ludicrous - It's just so utterly stupid that you kill a monster out in a field somewhere and *poof* it just shits out 700 gold pieces. And you're running around - while wielding your sword - carrying around 400,000 gold pieces in your pocket. Lol. Skyrim isn't this bad at all, but in "real life" (yes I know Skyrim is not RL, ty), money doesn't grow on trees. (Hell, I even just gave a potential modder a name for their mod: Money Doesn't Grow On Trees.)


Like I said Skyrim isn't nearly as retarded, but still: I don't even remotely try to farm gold in this game, yet I seemingly always have thousands of it on every toon, so all I do is just blow it all on trainers for quick and easy points.


Oh, Breezeholm is 5k gold you say? Ok I'll brb; Just give me a couple of hours, and I'll go out there and RAISE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY A FRICKEN HOUSE FOR CASH. Oh, the realism.




Anyways, cutting to the chase:


Is there a clever modder out there able to mod the game to drastically reduce the general spawn rates of Gold? (For example, killing a random bandit doesn't give you 174 gold; there won't be random bags of money lying around on the ground everwhere; people don't leave their gold lying around in *public places*.)


I'm a bit of a Nerd when it comes to games like this, and I always like to feel that I have to earn rewards that the game gives me... Even though I know I could simply get everything with a simple console command (player.additem F 10,000 says "hai")



Thanks in advance to anyone who takes on this project :D



PS If this exists somewhere already, anyone who can direct me to a link will get +3 Internets.

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