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real time


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hello everyone


I wonder if someone had created mod for the temp switch in Skyrim am a Real Time. because with the mod natural need (food and drink) is hard because its asser we do eat the entire five minutes of play .. this is very painful. :wallbash:


sorry for the google translation. :(

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It's hard to figure out what you're talking about exactly but I believe you want to change how often you have to eat using a hunger mod? Most of the good hunger/thirst mods have settings where you can change the amount of food/water you need over a given time. I'd go back and read the mod description (or readme) and see if/how you can change these settings. If the mod you're using doesn't have this option I'd look into a different mod that is able to be customized.


If you're asking if there's a mod that lets Skyrim time equal real time then I don't think this is possible without causing issues with NPCs. You can change the timescale using the console (or ini file, or configuration program) to something closer to real time but setting it too close will break the game. I don't think changing the timescale is going to affect the mod though, pretty sure you'll have to change it's individual settings as I mentioned above.


If this is not what you were talking about I apologize.

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