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Add more voice actors


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Now this is a crazy idea but, could someone with a good mic set up, add more voices to the game? like bandit dialog, taunts, threats, random NPC Dialog, banter, etc. make the meager selection of voices that are already in the game (Hopefully) quite a bit less common. theres like, what, 8 voice actors in the game? for 300+ NPCs/quest NPCs? what i would suggest is at the very least 3 or 4 new voices for each of the races both male and female.


Re-dub over used voice (Important) actors characters so that they'll be a little bit more unique. there voices will still be in the game, i'm not asking for someone to replace the voice actor, just make the voices a bit more varied so i'm not running into whole groups of people that all have the same voice actor. ya know what i mean? the more voice actors the better.

Edited by Swordsguy2010
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