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Skyrim stuck at Dragon symbol after starting a new game.


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I went through my previous problem of Skyrim crashing when I load it up, but now that I've actually been able to get to the menu, I can't start a new game (freezing @ the dragon symbol when starting a new/loading an old game).


I've gone through my list of loaded mods fairly thoroughly, backed-up and deleted my skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini, looked up answers on the forums (some other people have had the same problem and haven't had a solution posted), and checked for conflicting esp's and mod's, but can't seem to fix the issue. Can anyone tell me what's going on, and if there's a fix I can perform?


Here are the mods I've installed:



Edited by DaedraEater
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This happened to me with Moonpath to Elsweyr, but i don't see it on the list (if you have disable it).


Try to disable the High Res texture pack


if it still happens go to My Documents - My Games - Skyrim, now move these files to the desktop:





Run launcher and confgure again, try to play.


if it doesn't work (don't put the files back yet)


Try to disable Elvenwood and any mod that changes how the game starts, like those that skip the start etc


If it doesn't work download BOSS to so it fixes the loading order of the plugins and can help.


if still doesn't work put the files that you moved to the desktop back.


Now you'll have to disable the mods one by one until you find the one that's causing this.

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Well, the two you mentioned weren't the source, but I'll keep trying with the other .esps.


If anyone knows of a conflict between the mods I'm using or a possibly defective mod, let me know, and I'll see if it's what's causing the problem. Thanks!


EDIT: By the way, I have been using BOSS, so the lack of it isn't an issue.

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