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Vortex Borked my Fallout 4 to hell


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Look at this, it's as if I can see at a glance, how many active plugins I have.

Active mods != Active plugins. I have 64 active mods for FONV, but only 48 active plugins ( including official DLC ). It´s closer for FO3 ( 81 active mods with 80 active plugins ), but only because of mods like MMM and Phalanx.

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The number of active plugins can be seen on the Plugins tab. Just sort by "Mod index" (which is the default) and scroll all the way down. The hexadecimal number at the bottom-most plugin shows the highest index for all mods.


Granted, this is not too convenient and a number placed at some prominent place (like next to the "Plugin" label in the tab bar) would be very nice.

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The number of active plugins can be seen on the Plugins tab. Just sort by "Mod index" (which is the default) and scroll all the way down. The hexadecimal number at the bottom-most plugin shows the highest index for all mods.


Granted, this is not too convenient and a number placed at some prominent place (like next to the "Plugin" label in the tab bar) would be very nice.


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