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auto save post text on crash?


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I am very appreciative of all of the work that has been done to update the site. I realize that it is a work in progress, and quite fine work at that!


One thing that occasionally pains me is that if I receive the "bad gateway" error upon attempting to post on a thread, the content of my post is gone. Sometimes I have put a lot of thought and time into a post..and then, poof!

I have noticed that when one enters a post too quickly and receives the message about having to wait, the text is automatically saved. Is there any way to do that with the errors, or is the crash just that, and no way around it?


I do know I could save my text to my notepad and I do often try to do that. It seems that in the case of particularly involved or thoughtful posts, I invariably forget, and then get the gateway error.


Anyway, just a thought, and thank you all for the fantastic work you do. This site makes my gaming 100% more entertaining!

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I think Google Chrome preserves text in form fields that you navigate back to. So, a Chrome user could just keep the page with the error on it open and check the site's status in a different tab. When the site became available again, they could hit Back in the original tab and there their post would be.
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