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Does anyone know how the scrapper hilighting works, or how to hilight world objects?


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Hi. Basically I want to make a consumable that highlights, all flora in the wild that you can pick for some kind of food object, annnd any dead enemies that contain food items (well. mostly animals that drop their own meat)
I see that the functionality exists in loot detector, and is highly reminiscent of the Scrapper perk. However try as I might I can't find how this works by working backwards form either source. (all scrapper does is change a variable, "Component radar range" to 250, so I guess it turns something on. I can;t find that something any where though... and loot detector is massive.) and since I can only see how loot detector works I have come to 2 conclusions.

Worst case: highlighting crap is super complicated and I have to work backwards through all this stuff to figure it out, ever so slowly. (and probably make whatever consumable I make a plugin to loot detector since that person did all the hard work, not that I mind that, it just seems a rather large mod to tie such a little thing too)

Best case: both the loot detector mod and the scrapper perk are more complex because they have a large array of things they can highlight or not and running the list through the functions is the bulk of the code. but for me, since I want to only highlight certain things, it won't be as bad. I just have to find the actually code that orders the object to be highlighted witch I cannot find for the life of me.

So long story short: I want to highlight hub flower plants in game like with the scrapper perk, but am totally ready for disappointing news if it comes to that.

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The whole idea is cercumventing a major game mechanic. The minigame "Having To Find Loot". Why would a player bother detecting loot when they can just add all the loot from a BAT (batch) text file via console. Worse yet, there's a whole game mode that the idea is ruining as well. When players remove mostly all the loot from the game in order to provide scarcity & survival based play focus. What is the real answer here? Players can either remove the loot because there is too much, or they can add even more to enhance the minigame of looting.



Keep in mind, all the fun in the game is roughly based on being able to look in a random place, and find something that was either incredibly valuable, or in dire need of. I don't know the answer to that. But I do know once you can find it easy, it's not the wasteland anymore. If you ask me, it's Bethesda's way plus adding tons & tons more loot. So much loot that anything can be found next door, just over the hill, if only you could stay alive long enough to go get it. Yeah, because it's dangerous. I need a fookin danger detector, not a loot detector.



There's tons of loot already. Anywhere in the game I can get into something fun, but the real question is will the character live afterwards. That is Fallout. You could be putting carrots in Skeleton's mouths as a joke you made to another person while you were inside the Creation Geck building something like lighting or enviromental sound. Just saying man, it's a blank canvas. You making custom poly & texture for this, because if you were I'm not sure you would be asking this. I guess what I mean, is if it was a issue dealing with another mod, and adding functionality to another mod for your mod, maybe ask that author.



Paint a better picture. Is this worth working on endlessly? I have no idea, but I can tell you this. Some stuff is better off being deleted right in the middle of the project. Come back later to make it. Heck, make it again sometime, then delete it again, keep making it & deleteing it over & over. It will get better each time. When I make stuff I just get the simple version in the game. I do that as fast as possible, doesn't even have to be good.



Then I go inside the game to test it. I start asking quesitons about it inside a design/testing mindset. I go back in a gamer mindset, to play & have fun, analize it like that. Then decide if it's good enough to polish. Heuristic & Pragmatic if at all possible. It's only ever something I want/need, and only ever something I'm passionate about. If I don't enjoy it or feel that it's worth it. I BAIL OUT! Go do something else.



Just a thought,




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You can highlight an object using an EffectShader. You can create a quest with a RefCollectionAlias and use the condition IsInList to check for the base objects that you want to be highlighted, then add a custom script to apply the shader to all the objects of this list when the cell containing them is loaded (OnCellLoad).


More or less is the same that I've explained in this other post https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7083196-auto-openingclosing-slide-doors/ but using other base objects than doors, and using OnCellLoad instead of OnActivate.

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I'm just trying to make a hunger game, scavenger, fallout new Vegas type alchemy mod, I aint trying to change the world.

Alright I'll go try that out, sorry if this was asked else where an I totally missed it. my B.

OK! so right now I'm working under the assumption that the way that Die said to do it would only work with specific references of flora in specific cells. I realize I could be TOTALLY wrong about that. but working under that assumption I have started working on another way to get the desired effect.

Effectively the first way I tried to do this was with detect life, but it didn't work. At THIS point I assume it's because the spell system is designed to work on living NPCs and not random objects without tweaking, Also I realized that theirs an effect shaders script which you can just put in an object and make an effect play on it for X duration. so if I just copy how the spells work and make them notice the objects I want then use the shader script that might work? of course this may be over complex, and figuring out how to just make the spell see the objects I want or trying harder on the way Die suggested might just be a better option.

I'll be trying to get any three of those options to work but since I'm just sorta, running headlong into this with not much of a plan, It might be a while before I get any where, and if I do I may forget to post what works here but I will try to remember.

Edited by JunkV3nd0r
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