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Help- Bad fps


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Ok I know theres a lot of stuff out there on this but I feel Ive tried everything.

When running Skyrim, My FPS is pretty good some of the time. but It does go through some pretty bad lags every minute or so and whenver I get around water, My FPS gets really ugly (1-10).


Ive tried different settings, the default high settings which is what skyrim reccomended for my system, all the way down to everything at its lowest settings. (at the high default my fps is bad all the time. ive found around medium has given best results. and below that doesnt make much a difference in framerate.) as well as tried many different resolutions from aspect ratios 16:9 and even tried the standards.


Ive tried all the basic stuff

Virus scan, Disk Defrag and Disk Cleanup, Registry defrag, lowered my windows appearance to all performance. Updated all drivers, Graphics, Sound, Network, and went through pretty much everything individually in device manager. Changed power plan to high performance. and DirectX is up to date


Ive tried other solutions on the web too:

Increased my virtual memory Maximum all the way to 15,000 MB from something around 3,000 MB

disabled Vsync and game pads and changed FOV to 75 in the SkyrimPref.ini

tried using D3DOverider for forcing triple buffering and vsync.


also ive tried a clean install.

Edit: I also tried msconfig and limited my startup applications.


Nothing has seemed to make a difference for me.


Heres my PC Specs:


Windows 7 64-bit Service pack 1

AMD Phenom II X6 Core 2.70 Ghz


AMD Radeon HD 6450 - Dedicated 512 MB, Total 4351 MB


Help Please?

Edited by Jinglez420
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AMD Radeon HD 6450 - Dedicated 512 MB, Total 4351 MB




That card looks like it only just meets the requirements listed for Skyrim, I'm surprised it auto detected you to High settings. It auto-detects me to High and I have 2 newer cards with twice as much memory each (not boasting, just to give you a comparison.)


If you have the HD texture packs, or any HD texture replacers etc, get rid of them, otherwise you're probably unlikely to squeeze much more out of it than you already are if you're getting acceptable performance at Medium.


I'm not an expert, but I think you've just hit the limit of what your graphics card can handle.

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The performance is not very acceptable, maybe in 30 second intervals it is... lol


I would think I could run skyrim a lot better than this. I can run Crysis 2 with barely any choppyness. and I thought that was a much more demanding game.

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6450? 8000's around the minimum if you don't want to be running textures at below their smallest size to get decent fps. Install the mod Optimizer Textures from the Nexus, perhaps FPS Booster, 6Gb enabler, and the one that cuts down on the number of pixels (someone help me out with the name of it, it was a file of the month) as well. It may be the case that the rest of your system can handle the game, but your graphics card can't. Less likely cause would be a hardware conflict other than this, but I doubt it. Run the FPS boosting mods and the texture optimizer, then see if you get anything better. I'm running the game on a Nvidia 8800 and I get stuttering all the time, but I'm used to it with Bethesda games (I rarely get it in anything outside of open world games though). =/
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Ok well I dug up my old computer and hooked it up so i could see what graphics card it had cause i know i upgraded it. and it says its a Nvidia Geforce 8500 GT 1024 MB memory size.


can any one tell me if this is a better more powerful graphics card then what I have now? I cant imagine it could be since it seems like i upgraded it years ago, and the PC i have now I got alittle over a year or 2 ago, but it is completly stock.


Edit: Also I remember it was a 'BFG' edition if that makes any difference.

Edited by Jinglez420
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