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Vortex won't start after the update


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I started Vortex (literally 10mins ago), deployed my mods, and then got the notification that an update is available in the right upper corner. Naturally, I hit the "install update and restart", it started doing its thing...and then just stopped.

I'm not sure what happened, but Vortex didn't restart, it quit. I tried turning it on again, but it doesn't react. I tried starting it from the directory folder instead of the desktop shortcut, I tried running as administrator, I restarted my computer, nothing works. It's dead.



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Re-install Vortex for the start?


It's dead? The computer?


Vortex is dead (or comatose, at the very least). My computer is fine.


I'm not doing anything until I get an expert advice. I have a ton of mods installed, I don't even want to think about losing all that work.

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@Tannin - It doesn't matter if Vortex is re-installed (uninstall then re-install fresh) with .10 as it still will not launch. No process (or Task) for Vortex.exe starting up listed in "Task Manager". As well as no splash screen for the mod manager at all!!


Definitely no log entries for the 0.16.10 release as it doesn't even launch the executable. So it will be exceptionally difficult to diagnose and bug fix.


Though is also a critical failure as this version doesn't even launch!!

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It doesn't matter if Vortex is re-installed (uninstall then re-install fresh) with .10 as it still will not launch. No process (or Task) for Vortex.exe starting up listed in "Task Manager". As well as no splash screen for the mod manager at all!!


OMG you too?!?

At least I know now that installing it again won't solve anything.

I hope this gets fixed soon... :ohdear:

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Only temporary work around until the team fix I noticed is to rollback - re-install the .8 release. Until the Vortex team release a fix for what is wrong with .10.


I rolled back with a fresh clean re-install of release of .8 instead of .10.


Doing this enabled it to launch. Just don't update to .10 until the team puts out a fixed release.

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You need to uninstall the Vortex mod manager. Ensuring that all traces are removed. As it caches the update as well as the update action request.


So unfortunately you will likely lose the mods and load order. But afterwards they can be added back in and the load order re-done.


I tried to re-install without doing this before starting out so didn't lose much; though it almost immediately proceeded to re-install the updated version without prompting again (other than possibly a UAC request). As I granted permission previously - stored in a file somewhere!

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You need to uninstall the Vortex mod manager. Ensuring that all traces are removed. As it caches the update as well as the update action request.


So unfortunately you will likely lose the mods and load order. But afterwards they can be added back in and the load order re-done.


I tried to re-install without doing this before starting out so didn't lose much; though it almost immediately proceeded to re-install the updated version without prompting again (other than possibly a UAC request). As I granted permission previously - stored in a file somewhere!


I uninstalled the update and reinstalled the 16-5 update, and it saved all my mods and stuff. I did this after uninstalling the new version.

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I'll restrain myself from fiddling with previous versions for now. I won't be able to play the game until tomorrow evening anyway. I hope a genuine fix will come up in the meantime.

It was such a good mod manager, I never imagined it would totally crash like this :sad:

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