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Mods do not work..


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Hiho guys,

I have some expierence in modding, espacially Dragon age, so normally I do not have any problem with modding. But back to my issue. Yesterday I finally installed Nexus Mod manganger, and tried to mod my Skyrim. I am able to download any mod and the mod manager seems to work properly, it is able download and install any mod compatible with the mod manager. But heres the fun part xD When I start Skyrim not one mod does work ! The game does still work, and when I quit Skyrim and start the manager again the plugins of the mods are unchecked. I hope you guys have any idea what is causing this problem.



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In Nexus Mod Manager you have to check twice:

Once in the tab "Mods" to install the mod you just downloaded, then you go to the tab "Plugins" and you check the plugin again to activate it.

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Ok I guess I did not explained it well. The Plugins are checked before I start Skyrim. But after starting the game the mod does not work. Then when I check the mod manager the plugins are unchecked.
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