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Skyrim SE CustomEvent DNE


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Hello everyone. This is my first post and I am currently working on learning scripting in Creation Kit, and whenever I attempt to compile my script while creating a new event, it says that CustomEvent does not exist. This is my file that I have for testing so far:


Scriptname testcustomevent extends Object Reference


Actor property PlayerRef Auto


CustomEvent WeaponOut


If PlayerRef.IsWeaponDrawn()

Var[] kargs = new Var[]

kargs[0] = true

SendCustomEvent("WeaponOut", kargs)


Edited by fluffyrandomeow
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Edit: it seems that I am missing the ScriptObjects script from my Data/Scripts/Source folder, and thus sendcustomevent is not recognized as a function, and defining a customevent isn't defined.


Does anyone have this file in their scripts?

Edited by fluffyrandomeow
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Solved: It turns out that I was unknowingly browsing the Fallout4 wiki which added the ScriptObjects script which allows for creating customevents and the like. Since Skyrim does have inter-script communication, I can still do this, but I will have to make my own ScriptObjects script.


tldr; customevent is a feature added for Fallout4 and I have to make it for Skyrim.

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