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stacking effects & F1 shortcut.


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1.) Is it true that you get a stacking effect.

for example, using 2 items with reflect, one has 20% and the other has 30%, will your total reflect be 50% ?


2.) When using F1, I can add spells from my spelllist and use them quickly in battle.

But when I try to add an enchanted item to the F1 shortcut, around the item icon there is a red colored line.

Eventhough the items is in the F1 list, red colored, I cant use the shortcut to it.

any fix?


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1) Yes, but this won't work with a spell or item used twice to attempt "stacking."


2) Select the option to add a magic menu item instead of an inventory item -- the former will ready its enchantment as a spell (and generate a blue outline around the object's icon), while the latter will simply equip it (and give the icon a red outline). If the item doesn't appear at the bottom of the spell list, then the most logical conclusion is that you've got a constant effect enchantment, which is always on.

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