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No SGM, png are MUCH better. It's lossless compression, instead jpgs often have terrible artifacts, even more visible when you zoom in. Use the pngs if you can.


Really? I never knew - I read jpeg is better for pictures :huh:

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SGM, what do you use to take shots? If you use Steam it saves them directly in jpg, so detail is already lost, you can't do anything. FRAPS (unregistered free version) saves in bmp, which is completely uncompressed, its size depends exclusively on resolution. A .bmp in 1080p is usally 5.92MByte! But then a .bmp you can compress any way you want. Lately, I've been using Irfan Viewer for that, it has some interesting options for both PNG and JPEG compression.

If you use a registered version of FRAPS on the other hand, you can save in any format you like.

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So who is going to be the lucky chump person that will manage the 'hub page' ? (I vote for using Yagho's version, just for continuity (edit:and it's great). dixiexdecay's should be used on the mod page so as not to waste it)
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So who is going to be the lucky chump person that will manage the 'hub page' ?


I can do it, I'm happy to show of my new pic :tongue:


Alright, so unless anyone objects, I'll upload it tomorrow!

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Actually, guys, if you use and ENB or SMAA/FXAA, you can use that to grab lossless shots. I use SMAA to grab BMP's, which I then convert to highly compressed PNG's using the free FireStone Imageviewer (similar to Irfanview). You can configure the ENB wrapper to take lossless BMP's as well from the enbseries.ini (if you know which keycode constants to use). FXAA (if you use that) can grab to extremely well-compressed PNG's. But snapping shots using FXAA can cause a slight jitter, because of the compressing. I prefer using the options of these programs that I run already anyway, in stead of having to run something else (like FRAPS). And I've heard but not tested that FRAPS changes the image slightly. It messes up the brightness values or something, as I've read Duncan Harris say somewhere.


Steam jpg's are small, but horribly compressed. You can see this clearly in darker shots, or at borders and lines in a shot. Well everywhere really. JPG tries to reduce the size by tossing away every bit of information that humans are not likely to miss. But rather soon (below the 95 percent quality mark, you get into territory that has increasingly more problems. JPG's use lossy compression (similar to MP3's) where PNG's use lossless compression (smart heuristics), similar to FLAC/ALAC/APE etc.


Of course, PNG's are really only good for wallpapers and printing purposes, not really for displaying on web pages, unless you want to kill people's bandwidths.


Oh, and SGM, the fun thing is... when you upload a PNG to flickr, it keeps the original file, but all smaller versions are jpg's (good compression/quality ratio, much better than Steam's jpgs). The smaller shots in my descriptions are all auto-generated jpgs by Flickr, from the lossless PNG (which anyone can see/download by going to my account). If you upload jpg's to flickr, the smaller shots will be lossy versions of lossy files. That's not good at all.

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