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Would you like your character featured in a video?


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Due to a hard uninstall I had to do (I mean, really, really hard) I don't have many saves at the moment. But as I get closer to completion of v4 of my mod, I find myself wanting some variety in the visuals for when I make a new demo video. So, rather than sit through Helgen... again... I figured I'd see if anyone would be kind enough to donate some copies of their PC-compatible saves?


What I'm looking for:

- I cannot accept any save files featuring animations, models and textures not in vanilla outside of this list: UNP, ApachiiSkyHair, Lore Friendly Armors, Coverwomen (no make-up) - besides, I will probably not focus on faces much, given the mod's subject matter. (I do have other mods, but I don't feel like listing the 15 loose one armor packages I have.) If you plain have a lot of mods, err on the side of caution - warn me upfront. If you want to remake your character in a lower mod set-up and get them out of Helgen for me, sure.

- Characters in the mid-20s to 40s range. This is where my save list is most barren at the moment.


Beyond that - mages, melee, and missile are all just fine. If you're interested, please shoot me a PM, and I'll give my email address. I don't want to leave it out here to be trawled by spambots.

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