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Why does converting esp's to esm's help eliminate ctd's


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I have had many problems with mods that add locations such as housing or dungeon mods. One of the solutions I have found is simply converting the esp file to an esm file using Wryebash. Does anyone know why this makes such a difference? Is there an esp file or file size limit for skyrim?
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Esms are master files, esps are plug-ins.

As I understand it (not an expert at all) Esms do not depend on any other file to load, which as I understand it, is why they cause less CTDs...esps only relate to the particular esm on which they are based.


I asked a while back if there was a limit, and I was told by much more experienced people that there is not. It seems strange to me that it would be so.....

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I'm not sure why you would want to convert if everything is running smoothly? Why mess with what works?


Or do you mean you have already converted, it seems to be working, but you are worried there might be some hidden issue?


Again, I have been told not to worry. If it seems to be working, probably you don't need to worry either. One thing is that esms always load first, then esps, so it does affect your load order choices, but since esm files are independant it may not ever be a problem. Anyway, that is how I understand it. A lot of the mod geniuses look at the mod threads, so you might try over there for more a more detailed (and knowledgable) response.

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