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When I did the embassy quest I found three note books, one on Delphine, one on Esbern, and one on Ulfric Stormcloak. If you read the one on Ulfric you will find out he is a Thalmar agent. All of a sudden I did not like the Stormcloaks anymore--I have found I really like to kill the Thalmar--
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The dossier says Ulfric is an asset, not an agent. There is a difference, and Ulfric is not proven to be an agent. Agents are assets, but not all assets are agents. Furthermore, not all assets are necessarily aware that the Thalmor consider them to be assets. For example, if the Thalmor know enough about someone to manipulate them without their knowledge, then that person would be considered an asset.


If Ulfric were actually working for the Thalmor as an agent, why would they have to allow him to escape? This makes no sense. Agents are simply sent on missions, not tricked into thinking they escaped by their own efforts.

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If Ulfric were actually working for the Thalmor as an agent, why would they have to allow him to escape? This makes no sense. Agents are simply sent on missions, not tricked into thinking they escaped by their own efforts.

Unless of course The Thalmor were even remotely smart and could predict that Ulfric would go all dumb and start a Civil war thus weakening The Empire.

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I had not herd anyone talk about the dossiers, I just thought it was an interesting plot twist. Agent or Assets, I think the Thalmor are the bad guys and will do anything to weaken both sides, I hope there will be a DLC or a Mod with a war against them.
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The dossier says Ulfric is an asset, not an agent...


^ this

... I hope there will be a DLC or a Mod with a war against them.


^ and this (though I'm not holding my breath for a DLC)

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I'd suggest doing the civil war first, just because the soldiers don't seem to level up properly. If you do it later, they'll all be at noob level vs your level 70 Ironman character in Daedric armor and it takes the fun out of it. I'd get as far as getting all three words of Fus Ro Dah though, just so you can blast archers off the walls.
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