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Really weird lighting glitch?


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well, when i go in skyrim, even if i uninstall/reinstall a weird lighting glitch appears, with flickering shadows everywhere, its even worse inside. an example of it outside is here:

I took that video, and its exactly whats going on. Please tell me how to fix it. It's not graphic enhancers, or any mods because i've deactivated all of them and it was still showing up. Please tell me whats going on and how to fix it.


I have tried verifying the files in steam, there's just no way of getting rid of this.

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It could be your drivers rather than the game. If you have NVidia drivers, readthis to properly update them, The old way of updating no longer works and can cause major problems, like loss of temperature control. that can eventually destroy your card.


Also, you can try turning down your graphics setttings?


Did you ever make any changes to your pref.ini file? If so, you might want to check it if you haven't since the patch, because the patch resets some of your pref.ini, and may also have deleted lines you added.


Finally, deactivating some mods (especially any with scripts or textures) does not remove all files. You may need to go back to the mod authors websites for instructions on a complete uninstall to see if a mod is the problem.

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