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Beginner mod questions


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If anyone is an expert on 3dsmax and skyrim I started a thread in that forum, but I have some basic CK questions I'm confident you guys can answer:


1. When changing NPC appearances how can I get rid of laugh lines or creases? Is this possible? I see some of these things labeled in the box with the .dds files, but you cannot remove things from this box, just change colors.


2. Do you guys load the update.esm in the CK? Most tutorial vids I've seen just load the skyrim.esm, but I've seen 2 today that load the update.esm as well.


3. How do I create an NPC with specific pieces of equipment? All the video tutorials give the NPC a generic armor package because they don't want to spend time on these things, but I want to be able to add specific armor pieces to my characters. I tried adding the to the inventory box, and they equip them in the preview screen (under actors), but when I place the character in the render window, he's naked and shows up naked in the game.


4. I saw a few tutorials but can't find them anymore. One was how to make quick clothing using the shrink wrap tool in blender, and the other was a post on this forum dictating the proper file optimization for saving dds files. It outlined whether you use DX1, etc. and I can't find it. I thought it was titled "attention all mod makers" or something like that.

Edited by Stemin
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1. Why won't you change it's color so it won't be visible ?


2. Yes you should. This ESM keeps all changes bethesda makes to the game world , updates. Basically it won't kill you if you won't use it though ...


3. Go to inventory tab in your character properties (double click it) . in top right corner you'll see a window called "outfit objects" . Drag there all cloth items you want your character to wear.


Thanks button to the left :D

If you have more questions about CK modding just ask.

Edited by Iv121
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Yeah. I couldn't get either of these to work.


I can drag and drop stuff into the inventory, but not the outfit. It seems to only let me choose the predesigned outfit packages or none, but when I choose none I cannot drag items in the outfit window. Is there a certain default outfit package I have to choose to be able to do this? I still don't understand why my character shows his outfit on in the actor window, but in the render window when I drag and drop him, he's naked.


I also tried changing the colors to remove the laugh lines and creases in the forehead and I haven't been able to accomplish anything. It doesn't seem like the colors change at all no matter what I change them to.

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For the outfit, just make your own outfit. Go to items -> Outfit, right click, new, then go to armor and drag 'n' drop your armor items, name your outfit, go back to your character and apply the new outfit.


I thought that must be an option, but isn't that a big cumbersome to make a new outfit set for every NPC you want to wear a custom outfit? Is there no way to just add things? What about where the game has only one special item on an NPC, like

the draugr who wears the jagged crown


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It's not cumbersome at ALL. :thumbsup:


For the jagged crown NPC, they simply copy the outfit of another NPC and add the hat then rename the outfit. Apply the new outfit to the NPC. Done.


Sorry, by cumbersome I didn't mean difficult. It just adds a bunch of unnecessary databases. I don't think you should need if all that stuff is stored with the NPC data anyways.

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