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Name: Sentinel

Race: Nord

Class: Knight

Helm: Alik'r Hood

Armor: Dawnguard Armor

Gloves: Dawnguard Gauntlets

Boots: Nordic Ranger Boots

Cloak: Cloak of the Burn

Accessories 1: Ring of Hircine

Accessories 2: Black Sacrament Amulet

Weapon 1: Anduril - 2 Handed Sword (Legendary)

Weapon 2: Shadowsting (Legendary)

Weapon 3: Daedric Tanto (Legendary)




A young man who came from a poor family in Skyrim and always dreaming about to join the Imperial Soldier,

Sentinel is now separate from his loving family because of dragon and vampire attack and now he is living in riverwood

He has a small cabin outside of riverwood, he always hunting all over in the Skyrim and selling Hides, Meat and Herbal he collected.

Sometimes if he had a free time or get bored from adventure he help Hod in sawmill and he transport all firewood he collected in Whiterun to sell.

You can always see him in Riverwood Inn after dark together with his friend Alvor they always drink Nord Mead untill they passout.

One day he go to Solitude for some business and he heard some guard talking about the recruitment of Imperial Soldier

He got shocked and after that a tiny tears came out from his eye and he said "Oh divines bless me"




Sorry guys for some wrong grammar, Im not good in english.

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Name: Ghorak

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior


Brief Summary: Ghorak is an orphan, raised by a Nord ex-legionaire in a small village in northern Cyrodil. He was raised learning the art of combat from his adopted father, who instilled in him the values of courage, loyalty and honour. Ghorak grew up to become a strong and clever warrior, fighting with sword, shield and bow, even learning some basic restoration magic. In 4E 201 Ghorak's life changed forever. While out looking for a group of bandits that had been harassing the village for some time, he heard a roar unlike anything he had heard before. When he turned to see where it came from, he saw smoke rising from the village. When Ghorak reached his home, it was burned to the ground, everyone he knew was dead. With nothing left, Ghorak wandered north, towards Skyrim. He had grown up reading old nordic legends and had heard stories of Orc strongholds in the mountains. Perhaps there he would find purpose, and learn more about his heritage.



No long version, I recently remade Ghorak and as such I'm also reworking his backstory. What you see above is a very rough outline of why Ghorak is in Skyrim to begin with. At this point he has become Harbinger of the Companions (Earlier today in fact) and is about to either join the Dawnguard or get going with the Main quest, I haven't really decided yet. Ghorak is by far my favourite character just in terms of personality and roleplaying, he's not just your typical brutish warrior, but also clever and curious with a love of reading and thirts for knowledge. I like to sum up Ghorak this way: When Ghorak heard the saying "Fight smart, not hard." He reasoned that surely it is better to do both.

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Name: Kisara
Race: Breton
Class: Assassin
Helm: Ancient Shrouded Hood
Armor: Ancient Shrouded Armor
Gloves: Ancient Shrouded Gloves
Boots: Ancient Shrouded Boots
Accessories 1: Ring of Namira
Accessories 2: Gauldur Amulet (all 3 combined)
Weapon 1: Blade Of Woe
Weapon 2: Dwarven Crossbow


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Name: Shel

Class: Warrior
Armour: Tera Elenium armour
Favourite weapon: Daedric War Axe

Born and raised in the Orc stronghold Dushnikh Yal, she was raised to be a smith but pined for adventure and so ran away to seek her fortune, she met Vilja in Whiterun and they have become good friends, travelling the roads of Skyrim and laying waste to it's wildlife, bandit and undead population.

As members of the Dawnguard, they feel they must protect the simple folk of skyrim from it's undead scourge, with Shel providing the muscle and Vilja providing backup as archer and alchemist should any vampire manage to infect either of them.

She specialises in the daedric war axe but is also above average with a bow.

The fearless duo are planning on a trip to Solstheim once this current vampire menace is dealt with (and once the Vilja companion mod gets updated with some Dragonborn content :wink:)



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Name: Eykthain Rightain
Race: Dunmer/Imperial
Age: 50 years old.


Short Description:

From the point his parents got killed by Stormcloaks Eykthain joined the Legion and has stayed there for 32 long years, rising in the ranks as a sucessful scout he soon became respected by his fellow soldiers and feared by his enemies. But now, 18 years later, age is beginning to catch up with him. Will he succumb or conquer? Or has the time come for someone else to take up the mantle of the Rightains?


Long Description:
Eykthain was born in Skyrim, his parents, General Eyrevehn Rightain and his wife, Camilla Rightain was killed when he was 17 years old by Stormcloaks, therefore he has a bitter hatred of Ulfric and his Stormcloaks. Eykthain was out hunting when it happened, he found his childhood home destroyed, only the floor was left untouched.
He decided to join the Legion, but he did not ride on his fathers fame, he worked from the ground up. Becoming a skilled warrior and feared soldier. After a few years General Tullius decided that Eykthain should leave the Legion, he believed that Eykthain fought for them just so that he could get revenge. That was only partially true. He wanted revenge, but he was smarter than that. Revenge could wait, he had a duty towards his people, the Dunmers had suffered long enough. He believes that all races should be welcome in Skyrim, even Kahjiits. Tullius believed what he said and Eykthain was allowed to stay.


He and Jordis met when Eykthain was on a visit to the Blue Palace in Solitude, since he was wearing an Amulet of Mara, he was unresistable to her and they became a couple. Short thereafter they married and moved to Riften. Because of his newfound love, he quit his military service, to be able to take care of his wife and their child that was about to be born.


Name: Eireen Rightain(Follower)
Age: 18 Years old
Race: Dunmer/Nord


The child arrived and it was a girl, Eireen became her name, she looked like Jordis, but also like Eykthain, a grey Jordis with elf ears. Being around his family and caring for his daughter made Eykthain lose his anger and hatred(a little). Jordis and Eykthain trained Eireen in the ways of combat that they both knew well. She succeded them both. One day when she was 15 a boy teased her until she screamed at him and he fell into a well. Jordis was not worried(well, she was a bit worried about the boy, after all, it was a deep well). She had read about the ancient hero, Dragonborn, the hero that would rid the land of Dragons. But that it were to be her own daughter, she could hardly believe it. The Rightains decided to keep her abilities a secret, they did not want to destroy the life they had. Sadly, Jordis knew that it would not last, because one day the Greybeards would find out about her daughter and the tranquility would be gone for years and years to come...





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Name - Felsa Telvanni

Race - Dunmer (Dark Elf)

Age - Unknown (Appears about 30 in human terms)

Weapon - Felsa Blade (Dragonbone Sword) with Mehrunes Razor in the offhand.

Armor - Crafted Glass Armor


Short Description - Felsa is the daughter of a revered Telvanni wizard, she was never much of a spell caster but made her father proud with her enchanting affinity. Bored of the mage sort of lifestyle she traveled Morrowind and joined the Morag Tong where she learned the assassins skills. She excelled in this line of work and found that she prefered the blade and bow over spells. She takes great pride in weapons and armor and has learned to craft and upgrade her own and with her enchanting skills her gear is as good as it can be. The red mountains eruption cut her ties with the Morag Tong and now she seeks to make a new fortune in skyrim, perhaps an adventurer this time?

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Name: Raven

Race: Breton


A wanderer. He lost his memory, and has no idea who he was and why he is on Skyrim.

Even though, he can't remember his past, he would later learn that he is a skilled archer.

He is using the name "Raven" because it was a word embedded on a ring he is wearing.

He's now wandering around skyrim in search for the truth.

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Saga Wyrm

Race: Nord.
Current Level: 66.
Age: Thirty-ish.
Proffession: Adventurer, warrior, heroine, renaissance woman.
Favourite weapon: Ghostblade.

Notable Artifacts: Ghostblade, Dragonbane, Auriel's Shield, Auriel's Bow, Aetherial Crown, Gauldur Amulet. White Phial.
Favourite Companion: Serana.
Themesong: Heads Will Roll by Thea Gilmore.

"The curse of the powerful isn't boredom, but loneliness."


Saga is the daughter of a nord family who emigrated to Cyrodil, where she grew up. As a young woman, she started traveling as an adventurer and decided to visit the homeland of her parents. Upon arrival, she ended up in trouble almost immediately.

Saga is my "canon" Dragonborn. That is to say, even if all my Skyrim characters were to coexist in the same session, she is the "offical" heroine of the game. She was the first character I made and to date she is the only one who has completed the main questline and most of the DLCs. She's also the one of my characters who relies the least on mods, as well as the one I am most proud of.

My idea of her is that she is literally a dragon born in a human body, and as such she has a lot of dragon-like personality traits - she is individualistic, very aggressive and competative, extremely proud, somewhat greedy and obsessed with treasure, ambitious in search of personal power, and completely fearless. While being primarily a warrior, she is also something of a polymath and will try her hand at anything that strikes her fancy. She will not, however, become a vampire or werewolf - as a human dragon, she considers herself a superior monster to either. She comes across as helpful and generous, but mainly because she doesn't see any reason to not help others. She is actually not terribly concerned about other people, seeing their various problems as curious puzzles to solve, and mostly acting out of self-interest. But at the same time, she is completely free of prejudice and will look out for anyone she considers a friend. She is a carefree spirit who adventures for the sake of adventure and fights for the sake of fighting.


As she grew more powerful, Saga began to fear she was losing the ability to relate to normal people - after defeating Alduin she had no clear goal, and she had more in common with the dragons she slew than the men and mer she defended. While running an errand for the Dawnguard she stumbled on Serana, an ancient vampire who surprisingly didn't attack her on sight. Saga found this very exotic and soon learned that Serana was not too unlike herself - inhuman yet humane; brilliant but without purpose; a predator with a sense of humour; powerful, free and lonely. The two quickly became inseparable friends, and Serana remained Saga's faithful comrade even after they defeated her father, the evil vampire lord Harkon.


Perhaps it was this friendship that saved Saga. While still dedicated to her adventurer lifestyle, she seemed to grow calmer and mellow out a bit. She built a house by the lake in Falkreath hold and adopted two children - perhaps she had finally grown weary of living only for her own sake. Despite having no idea how to care for children, by some miracle it all somehow worked out well and her little family was happy.


Yet the dragon in her still felt restless. After being targeted by a mysterious cult, Saga and Serana travelled to Solstheim to investigate their elusive leader, Miraak. Perhaps he would prove a worthy opponent?

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I love these.




Hayley was a young bright, adventurous girl before she was abducted by bandits. She eventually somehow hung them all and cut off their feet. Stuff started going wrong then. She was obsessed with history, sometimes spending months in a ruin alone. One day, she found a dwarven machine that changed who she was, making her a soul-less killing machine, with runes etched into her body, and god-like telekinesis.



Her name is Hayley, she was not given a last name due to her father dying before birth and her mother dying shortly after. She grew up around Anvil (Cyrodiil) with one of her cousins (Mary). She is an Imperial. Throughout her childhood and early adulthood she was obsessed with history. She couldn't get enough of it. She was always exploring ruins, until she got taken by bandits, and starved, beaten, and raped for a fortnight. By the time the guards got there though, all of the bandits were hung with their feet cut off. The guards took her back to her cousin in Anvil where she was looked after until recovery. She wasn't the same since then. She would go into ruins for months at a time, seeking every little detail. She then stumbled on a dwarven ruin, where she was injected and enchanted and had runes carved into her body, and a part of her jaw removed. This changed her to a killing machine. Her bright red hair turned black. Her light blue eyes became florescent purple. She had increased magicka, stamina, and health. She gained the ability to shout (she isn't the Dragonborn). When she made her way back to Anvil to pack her things and head to skyrim, she was stopped at the gate by guards, who mistook her for undead, and who attacked her, but she ended up killing them. Instead of facing her cousin, she left for skyrim, where she honed her killing and telekinetic abilities and wrote letters back to her cousin, who had no idea of her change.

Hayley's emotions slowly dulled and she stopped speaking almost entirely. She was not the happy girl she once was, now a monster in everyone else's eyes.


Pretty short, it's my newest playthrough, so not that much story yet, but still.


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