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True Dragonborn


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Alright im going to keep this short and simple, i want a mod that is like a werewolf but a dragon version. NOT TURNING INTO A DAMNED DRAGON! but like you might get slightly taller, grow jagged claws and dragon like eyes and ofc Working Dragon wings. you will be able to fly, pick up enemy's and drop them, you will be able to breath continuous fire like a dragon and no recharge on the transformation or fire breathing, you will be able to fly fast like dragons and transform back into a "human" at will and back to a dragon at will aswel. if anyone needs more detail comment and ill message back
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sounds like a great idea and i would definately use this i'm also requesting an armor Aion Balaur armor that i think this would definately work work with if they were made i posted a picture with it but it's just my opinion i actually think the wings could come out of the back where the red spikes are shown if you look at the pic you'll see what i'm talking about i posted the pic in images earlier before i was in the forums and got some bad rep but that doesn't really matter anyway and to be honest i'd actually be happy with some changes to this something with a more daedric kind of feel Edited by lehahiah
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