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NCR new vegas


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I would just like to say one more thing before we move on. I have a difficult time believing that the NCR only has a police force in Shady Sands and no where else, especially considering how dumb it would be to have troopers, not trained in policing, policing civilians. As for the military police, I would like to point out that they are military police and not just NCR police. To me this implies they are in charge of military policing and there is a civilian equivalent.

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What are your plans for Hidden Valley and Nelis if the courier kills off the BoS and Boomers. I would like to see the NCR do something with iboth.

Edited by sgtKraigO
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  On 3/4/2015 at 3:11 AM, sgtKraigO said:

I would just like to say one more thing before we move on.

All the answers and info in re: to your questions are in my posts above. I'll do one more quick post to refresh your memory.


  On 3/4/2015 at 3:11 AM, sgtKraigO said:

I have a difficult time believing that the NCR only has a police force in Shady Sands and no where else

Already pointed out the hub police in the post above, the key point being a heavily populated population center safe (or relatively safe) from external threats in the core region. Quite a striking difference to NV.


  On 3/4/2015 at 3:11 AM, sgtKraigO said:

especially considering how dumb it would be to have troopers, not trained in policing, policing civilians

Up until the 1800s (when the first civilian police force was formed) soldiers throughout history policed the civilians. That would put your assertion in the awkward position of claiming they are somehow "dumb" until the 1800s.


  On 3/4/2015 at 3:11 AM, sgtKraigO said:

As for the military police, I would like to point out that they are military police and not just NCR police.

Yes they are military, just as the NCR prison guards are military troopers, just as order is kept on the strip by ncr military, just as order is kept in primm via ncr military, etc.


I don't have any particular personal preference one way or the other, my job is to try to simulate an environment that is as similar to teh gameworld's lore as is practical/possible. I take the template of the existing lore (shady sands for example) as a guideline in re: to a proposal of a NCR civilian police force in NV. I believe that should NV become as settled/safe as the core region and increase it's population to an extant to that a civilian police force is needed, the NCR will allocate the resources if available. However in the frontier, in the middle of a war that's not their priority.


  On 3/4/2015 at 5:57 AM, sgtKraigO said:

What are your plans for Hidden Valley and Nelis if the courier kills off the BoS and Boomers. I would like to see the NCR do something with iboth.

I believe there is a lot of potential for both locations (Nelis & BOS especially would be a incredible cache of military armament) as well as some of the vaults. I'm primarily focused on the very short term consequences of the NCR ending at the moment, but it shouldn't be too hard to hook a variable, a glob or use a function like getDead (on primary or important NPCs) to determine if those locations are available.

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  On 3/4/2015 at 8:02 AM, devinpatterson said:


  On 3/4/2015 at 5:57 AM, sgtKraigO said:

What are your plans for Hidden Valley and Nelis if the courier kills off the BoS and Boomers. I would like to see the NCR do something with iboth.

I believe there is a lot of potential for both locations (Nelis & BOS especially would be a incredible cache of military armament) as well as some of the vaults. I'm primarily focused on the very short term consequences of the NCR ending at the moment, but it shouldn't be too hard to hook a variable, a glob or use a function like getDead (on primary or important NPCs) to determine if those locations are available.



I would like to see Nelis become an NCR air force base with some vertibirds and possibly the bomber being rebuilt.

As for Hidden Valley it has a lot of potential as a place where a lot of top secrets are worked on, but I would like to see the DERVISH system disabled and the surrounding area turned into a base. It's close proximity to the correctional facility would deter any riots if the prison was opened back up.The official role of the base could be to patrol I-18 and keep an eye on the prison, but unofficially they try to make new stuff.

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As for the vaults the only one that I can see having any military value is Vault 19 due to it's sulfur.

Vault 3 and the surrounding area I would like to see repopulated and basically be a suburb, with a few stores. Some of the surrounding industrial business' could also be reopened.

Vault 22 is too hostile for anything to come of value that hasn't already.

Vault 11 isn't really good for anything. There's already 2 military bases nearby, and I can't see anyone really wanting to live in it especially since Novac isn't that far from it.

Vault 34 is too irradiated

and finally Vault 21 is already a hotel.

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  On 3/4/2015 at 9:19 AM, sgtKraigO said:

I would like to see Nelis become an NCR air force base with some vertibirds and possibly the bomber being rebuilt.

It's hard to say on the Vertibirds and the bomber. The NCR has held Camp McCarran for years and there doesn't appear to be any vertibirds at the airport. However there are some on the long 15. Although they are crashed I assume that's from the nukes and that they were previously operable. Why a "minor military base" (as per the wiki) has some vertis and not a major base (McCarran) might be due to developer oversight, dumb luck (they were refueling or just in the area when the nukes hit) or something else entirely. Similarly they'v had access to the planes at McCarran, but haven't gotten them repaired and running. I can't say if that is a lack of resources, knowledge, will or something else entirely. So my guess would be that if it's already up and running due to the Boomers, the NCR can take advantage of it (station appropriate pilots here, keep it maintained etc). I'm not too sure how long it would take to have capable personal transferred and if they would require significant simulation time in the pods first. There's very little info on the NCR in re: to fixed wing vehicles or their nautical capability.


  On 3/4/2015 at 9:19 AM, sgtKraigO said:

but I would like to see the DERVISH system disabled and the surrounding area turned into a base. It's close proximity to the correctional facility would deter any riots if the prison was opened back up.The official role of the base could be to patrol I-18 and keep an eye on the prison, but unofficially they try to make new stuff.

Seems like a reasonable use of the facility. Currently the wiki lists them as working on night vision optics, and of course their server farm where you have to hunt down the virus. Probably some other projects related to "still in teh dark" and the tech retrieved.

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  On 3/4/2015 at 11:48 AM, devinpatterson said:


  On 3/4/2015 at 9:19 AM, sgtKraigO said:

I would like to see Nelis become an NCR air force base with some vertibirds and possibly the bomber being rebuilt.

It's hard to say on the Vertibirds and the bomber. The NCR has held Camp McCarran for years and there doesn't appear to be any vertibirds at the airport. However there are some on the long 15. Although they are crashed I assume that's from the nukes and that they were previously operable. Why a "minor military base" (as per the wiki) has some vertis and not a major base (McCarran) might be due to developer oversight, dumb luck (they were refueling or just in the area when the nukes hit) or something else entirely. Similarly they'v had access to the planes at McCarran, but haven't gotten them repaired and running. I can't say if that is a lack of resources, knowledge, will or something else entirely. So my guess would be that if it's already up and running due to the Boomers, the NCR can take advantage of it (station appropriate pilots here, keep it maintained etc). I'm not too sure how long it would take to have capable personal transferred and if they would require significant simulation time in the pods first. There's very little info on the NCR in re: to fixed wing vehicles or their nautical capability.


One problem with McCarran that people seem to over look is that there is a giant wall between the runway and terminal. As for Vertibirds I'd say 3-5 with 1-2 being worked on, plus a possible working bomber. If they do have a working bomber though I could see them moving some of the larger planes from McCarran to Nelis to see if they could get them worked on or use them for spare parts for the bomber.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I had an idea for an side quest that involves the NCR currency.



The NCR introduced its own money around the turn of the 22nd century and initially it relied on coins minted from gold. By 2241, the economy of NCR dominated the West Coast and coins became universal currency, used by the three regional powers: NCR, Vault City and New Reno. During this time bottle caps had become worthless in these regions.

During the conflict with the Brotherhood the Republic's gold reserves were destroyed by Brotherhood raids to the point where new gold coins could not be minted and paper money could not be properly backed with gold. NCR citizens panicked and rushed to reclaim the listed face value of currency from NCR's remaining gold reserves. Since the NCR was unable to realize these withdrawals, particularly towards the frontier, faith in their currency considerably dropped. To protect against actual economic collapse, the NCR government abandoned the gold standard and established fiat currency, not payable in specie. Since then many wastelanders lost faith in it as a medium of worth, both as a result of it not being backed by anything but the government's word and the inevitable inflation. In response to the loss of faith, merchant consortiums of the Hub re-established their own currency, the veritable bottle cap, backing it with water (exchanging a standardized measure of water for caps).

By 2281, the NCR dollar is valued at about 40% of a water-backed cap and only 10% of a silver Legion denarius. In the Mojave Wasteland, these notes can be seen in the $5, $20, and $100 denominations. The notes are issued by the Republic Reserve Bank located in Angel's Boneyard. In 2281, the current Treasurer of the Republic and head of the NCR Treasury is John Michael Henderton; his signature can be found on the front face of all NCR notes found in the Mojave Wasteland.



I thought it would be rather interesting if an important person in NCR politics were to attempt to reinstate gold back currency again. A small quest could go like Step 1: player receives an invitation to meet the person at a casino on the strip where they're staying at.

Step 1: Player listens to them as they explain their want for changing the money and that it's currently a close vote in congress but they're currently down a few votes.

pros: it could allow the NCR dollar value to increase above the cap, for in-game changes it could allow merchants around the Mojave to have more money to barter with. It will also give more influence to the Redding representatives in the NCR congress, you could also mention Redding is wanting statehood and this would help them out.

Cons: if the NCR gold reserves were ever plundered again they would be forced to switch back to fiat currency. But with the Legions defeat, retreat, and distance from NCR gold mines and reserves, and the Brotherhood of Steel hiding in their bunkers and on the losing end of the war there doesn't seem to be any major threat.

Step 2:The NPC then tells the player that there are some politicians visiting New Vegas now that it's an NCR state and the NPC wants you to try and convince them to side with the NPC. This is where some speech checks could come into play and possibly intimidate a politician and/or the player could dig up some private information on another and blackmail them.

Step 3: The player goes back to the person who gave them the quest and they will get their reward (potentially some money if the player bartered for it). The NPC will tell the player the vote should pass when it goes to vote in a few weeks once they're back in Shady Sands. As for game effects it could take a week to change.


We do have a name for the Treasurer of the NCR so you could possibly work with that or you could just come up with a politician.


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Hmmmm that's an interesting idea. Re: step 2, I think the speech checks would be fairly easy for a high level courier (as would bribes), so in addition to the possibility of blackmail, some other avenues might be worth exploring. Something akin to the old saying, you "catch more flies with honey than vinegar". To convince the Seanator(s) on the fence, some favors/services might be in order. I suppose there's a thousand things a frontier state/town might need or appreciate;

Wiping out raiders or ogranized crime gang

Establishing a new trade route to a profitable location

Opening up a resource (like an infested mine, or old refinery with some salvageable reserves, etc).

Clearing out some natural predators in the area.

All kinds of others stuff......

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  On 6/25/2012 at 9:09 PM, darkus37 said:

I posted this in my own and in your independent New Vegas thread already, but here it is again:


I actually had this idea, I posted it here not too long ago called Law And Order. Essentially, it was supposed to be the next step after Hoover Dam. If, for example, you played as the NCR, then you would lead the attack on the Fiends, taking over Vault 3; taking control of Red Rock Canyon; as well as decimating the Legion camps, Cottonwood Cove and the Fort like you did for Nipton. The NPC's spawning there would then be NCR. There could then be side quests of getting building materials to create new "forts" for the troops. Each town in the Mojave would then get an outpost, like Pimm had with NCR patrols going to and fro. If you side with the Legion, you would then attack NCR strongholds with the raiders falling in line. A bunch of crucified people would then show up along the highways while the legion would patrol the area.


I'll add to that with ideas specific to this thread. Post-endgame New Vegas will most likely have no securitrons. The natural inclination of the NCR would be to use the securitrons as a weapon. The problem is, who would have the controls? Let's face it, President Kimball is pretty ineffective, give him such a tool and it would end badly. The same with General Oliver. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That means that the entrance to NCR New Vegas would have to be enhanced with similar fortifications like the prison. Freeside itself would also be different, with, depending on how you completed the quests, the Van Graffs, The Kings, and The Followers either being closed down and/or replaced by NCR troops (or left alone if you make them allies). A couple more sniper posts would appear as well. Several troops would patrol the area removing the random thug spawn. Inside the strip, things would continue as before, but a statue of Tandi and/or the Vault Dweller erected. The NCR embassy and tram station would then be heavily fortified as well, with checkpoints at the entrance and turrets for defense.

This Sound like a perfect idea it would make the game longer and i understand that you guys arent really coll with glagust or what ever his name is (the guy who made the mod for the ncr) but you guys should really work on that

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