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Site is running odd


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This might just be me, but I noticed today the site is slower then normal. Takes a really long time to load a page, and takes forever for the NMM to realize I clicked the download with NMM button on a page.


I'm not downloading anything or doing anything that would cause my normally very fast internet to slow down. So I know it's this site.

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Yep it is the Nexus Site it is fustrating me to no end. I know it is Nexus I have tried 50 sites (1 of them nexus) and 49 out of 50 have fast response the one that does not is Nexus so it is not my Internet.
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Yep it is the Nexus Site it is fustrating me to no end. I know it is Nexus I have tried 50 sites (1 of them nexus) and 49 out of 50 have fast response the one that does not is Nexus so it is not my Internet.

I'm getting them (504 errors and others) for every page on nexus, forum, mods pages, downloads not starting, downloads not finishing, etc. Agree the frustration level is at a all time high.

Edited by Dante1327
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I'm also having another issue, but this time when I search. I get a page like if your search comes up with no results but instead of saying 0 results it just lists how many pages your search term brought up. It doesn't list the mods. Been having this issue for a few hours now.
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having the problem for almost a week now. downloading is pretty normal, if a bit slower than normal, however, it doesnt always post my comments, and i get 502 and 504 errors constantly. i also keep getting "this file is hidden" until i reload the page several times. i lost the oppertunity to get several mods because i gave up after recieving this without knowing the solution, and i dont remember the names. i havent been on the oblivion nexus in a week or so, because i just got skyrim and portal 2 running on my laptop, but it seems the problem started when i got on the skyrim nexus and it now persists even in the forums...
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having the problem for almost a week now. downloading is pretty normal, if a bit slower than normal, however, it doesnt always post my comments, and i get 502 and 504 errors constantly. i also keep getting "this file is hidden" until i reload the page several times. i lost the oppertunity to get several mods because i gave up after recieving this without knowing the solution, and i dont remember the names. i havent been on the oblivion nexus in a week or so, because i just got skyrim and portal 2 running on my laptop, but it seems the problem started when i got on the skyrim nexus and it now persists even in the forums...



I know exactly what you mean with the file is hidden crap. I know these files aren't hidden so the site is obviously bugging out. I would think that whoever runs/fixes this site would have fixed before an actual week went by...but then again it might not be happening to more then a handful of people, thus they don't care or are simply going to deal with us later since ours isnt a huge issue.

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Tons of errors for me yesterday and today. Sometimes it wants to tell my files are set to hidden or that I have no files uploaded for a file. Weird, wacky stuff.


Edit: Also all my notifications quit working.


Edit: Notifications are working again and haven't seen an error in a while.

Edited by mojodajojo
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