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new Nvidia driver update released


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Be-careful of this Driver its causing issues in many many games with issues of FPS and wrong clock speeds, my GTX 460 froze my pc solid and my GTX 560 Ti had stutter issues and FPS in multiple games, the issue seems to be linked to factory overclocked cards..i had to roll back my drivers..


Just google 301.42 issues and you will see what i mean.

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Didn't have very good luck with this driver at all with my non-overclocked 460 (completely clean install). Experienced freezing and after a few days, corruption (which timed itself perfectly with the official 1.6 update for Skyrim). I've had much better luck with the 304.48 beta drivers. Perhaps it depends on the card.
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Does anyone know a way to remove all knowledge of PhysX for a clean install? I've had to try several drivers to try and put an end to annoying TDR's (the reg key fixes do zip) and have even downloaded nvidia drivers from 275 down as many seem to suggest.


However now, even despite following the earlier posted guide, I can't seem to remove PhysX from my computer so any older driver installs are incomplete as there is already a higher version installed... I've tried everything I can think of to remove all trace of the PhysX install to no avail....


This TDR thing is beyond the joke and the latest update turned an occasional occurance to a sure thing every time I try and play skyrim... Always needing to hard reset... Unfortunately I'm not sure what version I was using beforehand that was better...

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Be-careful of this Driver its causing issues in many many games with issues of FPS and wrong clock speeds, my GTX 460 froze my pc solid and my GTX 560 Ti had stutter issues and FPS in multiple games, the issue seems to be linked to factory overclocked cards..i had to roll back my drivers..


Just google 301.42 issues and you will see what i mean.


yes but these issues are all caused by not following proper installation procedure. I had the exact issue with the clocks, temp. Reinstalling correctly solves this. However, simply rolling back via your CP does not atually remove the new driver files completely and you may experience continuing problems. The below is from the 301.24 release notes at the Nvidia website.



Previous Driver Files RemainAfter Overinstalling with Release 256 or Earlier Drivers Issue When installing a Release 256 or earlier driver over a Release 260 or later driver, some of the previous driver files remain on the hard disk, resulting in potential conflicts. Workaround After installing a Release 260 or later driver, you must uninstall the driver first before installing a Release 256 or earlier driver. Do not Use Windows Rollback for Graphics Drivers To reinstall a previous or older NVIDIA graphics driver, do not use the Windows rollback feature. This method will not reliably restore all the previous driver files. Instead, use the Windows Add and Remove programs to remove the current driver, and then install the older driver using setup.exe. Uninstalling Drivers Using Device Manager is not Supported Issue On all supported versions of Microsoft Windows, uninstalling the NVIDIA driver using the Windows Device Manager may not remove associated files or applications. Explanation Microsoft has confirmed that this behavior is by design. If you wish to uninstall the NVIDIA driver, it is recommended that you do so using Add and Remove programs. See the Microsoft KB article 2278714.


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Does anyone know a way to remove all knowledge of PhysX for a clean install? I've had to try several drivers to try and put an end to annoying TDR's (the reg key fixes do zip) and have even downloaded nvidia drivers from 275 down as many seem to suggest.


However now, even despite following the earlier posted guide, I can't seem to remove PhysX from my computer so any older driver installs are incomplete as there is already a higher version installed... I've tried everything I can think of to remove all trace of the PhysX install to no avail....


This TDR thing is beyond the joke and the latest update turned an occasional occurance to a sure thing every time I try and play skyrim... Always needing to hard reset... Unfortunately I'm not sure what version I was using beforehand that was better...


I had this same problem at one point. It tells you there's a newer version already and no uninstaller will work. In my experience trying to reinstall the same version doesn't work either. I ended up doing a system restore (Win 7 64 bit) back to before I started futzing with the drivers, then uninstalling the whole package and using Driver Sweeper & CCleaner to remove left overs (restarting in between).

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Be-careful of this Driver its causing issues in many many games with issues of FPS and wrong clock speeds, my GTX 460 froze my pc solid and my GTX 560 Ti had stutter issues and FPS in multiple games, the issue seems to be linked to factory overclocked cards..i had to roll back my drivers..


Just google 301.42 issues and you will see what i mean.


yes but these issues are all caused by not following proper installation procedure. I had the exact issue with the clocks, temp. Reinstalling correctly solves this. However, simply rolling back via your CP does not atually remove the new driver files completely and you may experience continuing problems. The below is from the 301.24 release notes at the Nvidia website.



Previous Driver Files RemainAfter Overinstalling with Release 256 or Earlier Drivers Issue When installing a Release 256 or earlier driver over a Release 260 or later driver, some of the previous driver files remain on the hard disk, resulting in potential conflicts. Workaround After installing a Release 260 or later driver, you must uninstall the driver first before installing a Release 256 or earlier driver. Do not Use Windows Rollback for Graphics Drivers To reinstall a previous or older NVIDIA graphics driver, do not use the Windows rollback feature. This method will not reliably restore all the previous driver files. Instead, use the Windows Add and Remove programs to remove the current driver, and then install the older driver using setup.exe. Uninstalling Drivers Using Device Manager is not Supported Issue On all supported versions of Microsoft Windows, uninstalling the NVIDIA driver using the Windows Device Manager may not remove associated files or applications. Explanation Microsoft has confirmed that this behavior is by design. If you wish to uninstall the NVIDIA driver, it is recommended that you do so using Add and Remove programs. See the Microsoft KB article 2278714.



I needed to check before I posted, but it is a problem with the drivers. From the 304.48 beta readme:


"Fixes an issue where some manufacturer's factory overclocked cards default to and run at lower clocks."


You still need to make sure they are uninstalled properly, however.

Edited by flummox
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@serg: your post did not cause me any hardship, I did not intend to direct any criticism at you! I had already updated the drivers.....


I only wanted to point out that there is a new driver update procedure from NVidia to help others who might experience issues after updating the way most of us have been using forever. If anything, I would criticize NVidia for not doing a better job letting people know there has been a change. Certainly not your fault! I apologize for being at all unclear on this. I think it is always helpful when people post about new drivers.


No apology neccessary. Thank you for your thoughtful response though. :) I see that several folks are having issues with the new drivers anyway. This really vexes me because video driver updates have always been a positive thing for me. Man... so now we can't even count on hardware manufacturers to give us quality updates? I'm so sick of inferior quality with EVERYTHING. :verymad:


Anyway, I guess it's a good thing that Skyrim players have this thread as a reference before updating.

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I'll have to get one of those suggested cleaners for the PhysX issue when my internet decides to grace me with functionality once more.


On an interesting note, after installing the 285.xx (I forget the numbers after the point) from MSI instead of straight from nvidia I did all these stress tests on MSI Kombuster and it all looked good without a hitch. However, I went to the control panel to Performance Information and Tools and made windows do the test to update my PC's rating.

During this test, it got to the direct X 10 part and that's where I got my usual crash and received the 'Kernel error Driver 285 has recovered' usual tdr


Any thoughts on this?


Edit: okay now I'm even more confused as the system runs on DX11...

Edit 2: okay, scrap that, it's crashing even at Direct 3D 9 assessment

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