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Stretched Graphics?


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Recently I started to get what I would call "stretched graphics" in the game. It is always a point or points that will look like they were stretched in a straight line across the screen. I never had this before and I just noticed it with more frequency this past week.


I did add a couple of mods, but I disabled them and I am still getting these strange occurrences. Anyone else getting these? Any ideas what could be causing this? Thanks in advance for any reply.

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It is a graphics card error. If you have an NVidia card, you will want to read this to properly update your drivers. Not updating correctly can cause your problem. (the update procedure has changed, has cause issues for a lot of people).


If it occurs after updating properly (or if you dont have NVidia drivers) you can try turning down your graphics settings.


I'd also make sure your running temp is within safe limits.


If you are using any kind of graphical enhancement, you might try uninstalling. Also you can try to disable FXAA and/or Ambient Occlusion, if you are not using them, and enable VSync, if your have it disabled.

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Thanks Georgiegril! It seemed odd that it just seemed to start. Maybe after 1.6 went live. I did update to nvidia 301 after I saw this happen, but still had it. I just let the nvidia installer update the driver. I hope that went alright but it seems to be. Strangest thing these stretched graphics.
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If you have any problems, please go to that link and read through. NVidia won't remove/overwrite old files, so older versions are still on your computer, and havoc can ensue. I had my drivers suddenly set themselves to their absolute maximum clocks....obviously this cause overheating and I was just lucky that I happened to be monitoring it. It was caused by the drivers not recognizing it's own monitoring software, due to incorrect driver update on my part.
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