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How to detect vampire/werewolf via script


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Race Property WerewolfRace auto

ReferenceAlias Property myRef auto





myRef.GetActorReference().GetActorBase().GetRace() == WerewolfRace

Edited by steve40
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Race Property WerewolfRace auto

ReferenceAlias Property myRef auto





myRef.GetActorReference().GetActorBase().GetRace() == WerewolfRace


Right, but I want to detect werewolves in human/mer form. Also I wonder if there is any way to detect vampires without strolling through all vampire races.

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ScriptName VampireQuestScript extends Quest Conditional

;Variable to track if the player is a vampire
;0 = Not a Vampire
;1 = Vampire
;2 = Vampire Mid-Point
;3 = Full Vampire
Int Property VampireStatus Auto Conditional


ScriptName PlayerVampireQuestScript extends Quest Conditional

;Variable to track if the player is a vampire
;0 = Not a Vampire
;1 = Vampire
;2 = Vampire Stage 2
;3 = Vampire Stage 3
;4 = Vampire Stage 4
Int Property VampireStatus Auto Conditional


ps. afaik the vampire disease is called "PorphyricHemophelia". You should test for this, not the spell.


ps2. you could always test if the npc belongs to "WerewolfFaction".


ps3: here's another method: check for keywords



Keyword Property VampireKeyword auto
  if myactor.HasKeyword(VampireKeyword)


ps4. there could well be some global variables too. You could check them out in the CK.


ps5. you could also test for the presence of "PlayerWerewolfFeed" perk. plus while in werewolf form they would be wearing a "WolfSkinFXArmor". So when not in wolf form, they wouldn't be wearing this armor :)

Edited by steve40
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ScriptName VampireQuestScript extends Quest Conditional

;Variable to track if the player is a vampire
;0 = Not a Vampire
;1 = Vampire
;2 = Vampire Mid-Point
;3 = Full Vampire
Int Property VampireStatus Auto Conditional


ScriptName PlayerVampireQuestScript extends Quest Conditional

;Variable to track if the player is a vampire
;0 = Not a Vampire
;1 = Vampire
;2 = Vampire Stage 2
;3 = Vampire Stage 3
;4 = Vampire Stage 4
Int Property VampireStatus Auto Conditional


ps. afaik the vampire disease is called "PorphyricHemophelia". You should test for this, not the spell.


ps2. you could always test if the npc belongs to "WerewolfFaction".


ps3: here's another method: check for keywords



Keyword Property VampireKeyword auto
  if myactor.HasKeyword(VampireKeyword)


ps4. there could well be some global variables too. You could check them out in the CK.


ps5. you could also test for the presence of "PlayerWerewolfFeed" perk. plus while in werewolf form they would be wearing a "WolfSkinFXArmor". So when not in wolf form, they wouldn't be wearing this armor :)


A failure. Factions doesnt work. Anyway thanks for the ideas. Only checking through all vampire races works and that means I can only sense vampires. Anyway thanks for the ideas. They were promising.

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For werewolves, the CompanionsHousekeepingScript attached to the C00 quest has the boolean variable "PlayerHasBeastBlood" that you can test.


Nice, but I want detect if another actor is a werewolf and not the player. Its for smell ability.

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Ah, sorry, I should have read more carefully. I don't know if detecting whether an NPC is a werewolf is possible. I don't think so: the transformations I've seen in the game have all been completely scripted.


Then I will do without it. Thanks.

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