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Vilkas repeating him self over and over...


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i solve this bug by sniping vilkas, i run away after vilkas dialog and sniping him

After few arrow, approach him and he talk about the completion quest dialog

Thank you. It solved my problem. Was having the same reported bug. Vilkas and his problems with magicka....

Edited by CarlosERP
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  • 2 months later...
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  • 2 months later...

First time this happend to me, and the only fix that worked was hitting him, however for some reason I had to hit him a shitton. I used 50 arrows, almost a hundred power attacks on my one hander, probably 25 on a two hander and then just started shield bashing him. After a minute or so of shield bashin he continued. Weirest thing that's ever happend to me in Skyrim, Vilkas with 50 arrows in his face :o.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

For anyone like myself who will be experiencing this issue in the future and was searching for answers like i was, here's how i fixed the bug.


earlier saves didn't help

setstage didn't work

complete quest didn't work

disable/enable didn't work

disabling Vilkas mod didn't help


finally completed stage by using unrelenting force and just hacking him as fast as i could until he gave in.

also took off all my gear (since it was enchanted) and equipped a non enchanted weapon from the hall.

he have up before he could get back on his feet after i blew him across the courtyard. Guard threatened to arrest me though if i didn't promise to stop shouting lol

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  • 6 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Running in to the same problem. Not using any enchanted items or have any magic equipped, but I may have a theory: I am currently suffering from some disease which has effects on my stats. Check if you are currently ill or have buffs in your magic effects. If you do, try getting cured first? Dang, nevermind. It didn't help.

You could use console commands to bypass this mission. It may not be ideal, but it's a backup if all else fails :wink:

P.S. The arrow trick did work for me. Go into sneak mode near the stairs to the Skyforge. You should be out of sight to all from here and you can snipe Vilkas (not 1 arrow, nail him like, 5 - 10 times). His health will regenerate every time; that doesn't matter. Go up to him and talk. He should congratulate you.If he doesn't, repeat the shooting of arrows and talk with him again.

Edited by dshodaw
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the solution I have found.


Basically, even if he spams his "we dont use magic" phrase eventually he will move on to the next phase of the quest as long as he isn't knocked out in one hit.


First gear your character so that vilkas can take a few hits without being incapacitated. Gimp yourself if you have to.

Second disregard anything he says and keep attacking him.

Edited by 1821992
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