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indoor fps drops


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Ok, when i am in most forts or dungeons that sort of thing, my fps go down the toilet. its really bad in helgen and the dark brotherhood sanctuary. there's been other places that have been bad but those are the most recognizable. (plus i can remember their names). the reason this is really getting on my nerves is that it runs amazingly outside in cities and it only drops when im in dungeons and forts etc. but not in places like dragonsreach and other cities.


this is very annoying and i will be very thankful if anyone can help even a little bit :D.

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well i dont have that problem its not ONLY helgen and its not before you get your bindings off. its like close to when you fight the spiders in helgen and then it starts to lag a lot, sometimes it even crashes. and its tons of other forts/dungeons/ruins.
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