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Armor and weapons level requirement


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I like the way FO76 does it - that you cannot use every weapon or armor from the start.


In FO4, you have only restriction by armor modifcations (level and perks needed) and levelled list (spawn at certain level)


But weapons and armor that are lying around the world can be used from the get go. That means a lot of armor weapons will never be used - while FO76 forces you to start with basic stuff and stuff you find. I like that.

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Adding a strength requirement to use a gun should be easy.


But, It doesn't make sense to me to not be able to use a gun until you have met a level. Fo4 is supposed to be a RPG, but to me, a game with guns and non-magical characters just doesnt fit correctly into being an RPG. I go the opposite way and Level everything and everyone from the start. Everything spawns, everyone is equal and only armors make a difference.

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Such things are normal in MMO, but in Fallout they looks at least strange. I think that more better is to return the requirement of strength from Fallout New Vegas. Though I don't know is it possible with FO4 engine.

Level = experience. You could explain it like "I never used this weapon before and I have to learn it"

I know it's hard to argument that, but the good thing is that it makes you use more stuff you would usually ignore.

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