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just upgraded to premium and now unable to download 403


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I am downloading mods for fallout 4 (rebuilding my mod list) and I wasn't liking how slow it was going so I purchased premium and really enjoy the difference in speed. But the issue is, I now get 403 Forbidden whenever I try to download a mod. Why? I was not having a problem with this when I was a free user and capped at the 1mbs but now that I'm premium I download several files and then get slammed for it? I've seen everything on the forums from it's a blacklist because I'm downloading to much and the system thinks it's a DDOS (why do it for premium members when free members don't get blacklisted for mass downloads if this is the case?) to It's on my end (Which it is not, seeing how I was literally doing bulk downloads before I upgraded and now am getting 403 error after I upgrade to premium) Am I being blacklisted? How long do I have to wait before I can start downloading again? I still have files I want for my fallout 4 play through and if this gona happen again I'd like to know how many we can download at a time and or how long this timeout is. Has to be on your end because the only change on mine is I upgraded to premium with you guys. If I sound niffed, I'm sorry, but I am niffed and want to be able to go back to downloading again so I can play my game. Balancing mods and getting bethesda games stable with mod load is hard enough as it is without the download process becoming a pain as well.

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I was using the NA premium server when I was getting the 403 error. I switched to CDN and am able to download. So the issue I guess is I'm having issues with accessing the NA prem server. I was able to get like 10-15 (I didn't really keep count but it was in that range, possibly 8-10 to be a bit more exact) with the NA server before I started getting the 403 error with it. I loved the speeds I was getting and was more then willing to shell out for the lifetime but if this is gona happen again I think I may just do month to month when I'm doing a new run on something.

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Hi fuzzypanda1358,


A 403 error on that server is usually caused by your IP changing when requesting the download (things like VPNs often do this). Also, if the file was quite new it may not have synced to that server yet. In general, the CDN should be faster anyway.


Let us know if the problem persists for you though :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a wide spread problem! I now have 100 machines and rising that are having this issue!


I'm not sure how this would be relevant to your account? You don't appear to have a Premium membership.


If you're having issues, please check these troubleshooting steps to help us troubleshoot.


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