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Frustrating Navmesh problems


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Pretty new to modding, but I started to think I was getting the hang of Navmesh (finally), but now in this Rorikstead mod I can't get my NPCs to walk through 2 different parts of the mesh, even though it seems finalized, all connected, etc.


I think it's a border issue, as the 2 major "problem areas" seem to be right on the border. At first I didn't even know about border issues, until I watched a pretty good tutorial explaining their importance. But it seemed to me that once the green borders appeared, you were good to go. But for some reason I just can't get any NPCs (guards, followers, villagers etc) to pass the damn borders...


Here are the 2 screenshots to give an idea:


http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=34yse4p&s=6 - This is actually 4 diffferent zones converging, but the 4 borders are there. Shouldn't they work?


http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=w050m0&s=6 - Just a regular border. Again, I get the green border, but NPCs won't pass it. Wtf?


I know it's hard to see what is happening based on screenshots alone, but is there something super-obvious I am missing?


Is there some sort of troubleshooting guide out there? Or maybe a pro modder can give me a step-by-step checklist?


Any help at all would be appreciated, thanks!

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I'm no expert, but I can at least shoot you a great video w/ very good explanations on working navmesh outside.



This actually helped me out a lot today. Good luck!


BTW, not sure how much of a difference it makes, but it looked like some of your navmesh was kind of high up off the ground from what I could see.

Edited by treemosher
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Thanks for the post. I watched the vid and it does seem well done, but it didn't cover my problem. All my different zones are "snapped" together with green bars, and when I "flood fill" my navmeshes they all connect green. But the NPCs in-game still run around like idiots as though half the navmesh didn't even exist. Others just stand there as though there AI just suddenly shuts off.


I hate Navmesh... I can't believe a game this advanced would use a programming tool so clunky, awkward and counter-intuitive. Why not just do a "reverse" nav-mesh where we define where NPCs CANNOT go? So much simpler...

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