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Game-Ruining Glitches After Installing Many Mods


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I recently started a new character to prepare for the Dawnguard expansion. I already had many mods that add dungeons and quests (e.g. wheeze's mods) and a few that alter the aesthetics of the game (e.g. lush trees and grass), but none that change any of the existing quests or dialogue or anything. I made the character, got to Riverwood, and quests worked fine. Then, I installed BBP and tried to install CBBE(but it didn't work with the nexus mod manager so all it installed was the face mod). When I approached the gates of whiterun, the guard initiated dialogue as normal. When I selected the "persuade" option, it played the dialogue that he would open that gate, but nothing happened. The gate remained closed. I was forced to use the "unlock" cc to open the gate. when i entered the city, the guard followed me and continually initiated his dialogue "halt! the city is closed blah blah"-much like the companions glitch where if any of the companions catch you committing a crime, they will follow you around talking to you. Realizing he would do this forever, I used the cc "kill" on him. Then I installed FNIS, AP, ASX Spells, and Luxury Suite Bath mods (just goofing around xD). Checked my spells, and didn't have the "animate selector spell". I went to the Baths and the dialogue started as normal, but after my first response, the NPC played her next dialogue that would have lead into the next option, but the conversation just ended. Later, when in Riften, every quest/multiple dialogue choice conversation was like this. I panicked and checked my other character. On it, I had saved in sneak mode. When I loaded the save, I was still sneaking, but the crosshair was the default one and I was unable to toggle my position. When I tried dialogue, it was glitched just like on my new character. I went back to the mod pages, and saw that AP was incompatible with ASX. I deleted AP and unchecked it's plugin. Reloaded my save. Still no spells, still glitched quests.

I'm fairly certain the problem has to do with the mods, though I have no idea how it could effect every dialogue and quest in all my saves, and trap my poor mage in sneak mode. Your help would be really appreciated. I love Skyrim, and would hate for it to be unplayable for me. Please help!


EDIT: I tried uninstalling all the mods, and the sneak issue was fixed on my old save, but the dialogue remained severely broken! If anyone has ANY ideas as to how I could fix this, please reply!


After installing a bunch of pervy mods one night my game is severely glitched. Details in the wall of text. Please help!

Edited by kybrdsmsh
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Do you use Wyre and Boss? You could have a mod conflict if you have a lot of mods. I had to cut back on a lot of mine to fix a similar issue...and then found out about Wrye and Boss.


But that was back in my oblivion days.

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Well, Boss is used to sort the order of your mods. Mainly so that if you have mods that should load after certain ones, for instance if they modify certain areas, then you wouldn't want them to be superseded by anther mod. Also, wrye can be used to do lots of goodies.


You can get boss from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6 and wrye from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1840.


<edited for your viewing pleasure>


To fully understand what each of them do, you'll need to look at their documentation. At least you need Boss. Sorting mods is a lifesaver.


Wrye is a bit harder to explain as it does much more work than just installing mods. I've used the two of them together since I started playing Morrowind.


However, the two of them can be a lifesaver when it comes to having a bunch of mods.

Edited by Sonreac
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