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need help with my mods


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Those two bash tags are for when you use the Wrye bash program Bash...Smash...Whatever you want to call it.


There could be a lot of conflicts there. You can have Boss sort them out, and Wrye to smash them together.


However, what I would do is what was suggested before. Go down to a manageable load that you know doesn't crash....Then add on. Find a balance between what makes you happy and what you need to use to keep the game from crashing on you.

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  • 4 months later...
No offense to the other posts but they obviously do not have over 200 mods like we do, I shall tell you what to do to make them work! First your boss needs to be updated. second, Delete any mods you do not want or need, if they are big mods than you must read the readme for uninstallation. Third, disable all texture packs before proceeding. Forth, clean each mod with Tes5Edit, watch some vids or read some readme's so you can do this properly. After that clean your texture packs, then you can enable them. If you have Hearthfire and DG make sure you have all the updates that make them compatible. I would suggest starting a new game after testing first, hope this helps
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