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Dual Wield Pistols / Other Firearms or Rifles


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I know that this has to have been brought up before, but it's something I've yet to see, aside from dual wielding melee weapons, as a mod in this community. This had lead me to believe that it isn't possible, or is simply very difficult. I would imagine that the mod would need to modify how weapons are used once in the dual wield state (of course) as sighting down the weapons would need to be removed from the animation set (maybe?), and the left and right mouse buttons would be used for firing one or the other weapon separately or simultaneously.

Or perhaps, a dynamic way of fighting with two weapons could be created, where, if possible, each weapon could be targeted to separate baddies. For example, you aim at one baddy, hold down Q for VATS and press the LMB, essentially locking your left firearm onto the first guy, then aim at the second baddy, hold down Q for VATS and press the RMB, and then go to town firing at them in VATS, pointing in two separate directions. This is likely asking quite a bit much of the engine, and I know it'd either be really difficult to do, or just down right impossible. But it sure would be sweet if it were possible.


Any ideas? Is it possible? Would it be possible to create two instances of VATS at the same time, or perhaps, one instance of VATS, but with the two guns firing at separate body parts?

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I really like your idea, but the most obvious problem would be the reload animation. Without infinite ammo it would bog down fast.

Yeah, it would have to be some sort of convoluted method of reloading. Holster handgun #1 > reload handgun #2 > holster handgun #2 > reload handgun #1 > draw both handguns. Or, for the sake of gameplay, have some sort of quick reload scenario, where the mags are switched via mechanisms on the outer thigh, so the animation would be something like, holster both firearms to thigh mechanism > quick reload > draw both firearms. Or possibly some sort of energy handgun that runs off of a long lasting power source. Or handguns that are linked to a power source using a Tesla power pack, so they're fed energy wireless from a pod on your back. There are quite a few ways to overcome that issue.

Edited by Obscene911
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If anyone could do the animations justice, it'd be wardaddy755. Not sure who we could build an auto-reloading thigh mechanism for handguns, or even how it would be possible to program the use of VATS for two handguns, equipping two handguns at once, and dealing with the plethora of other issues associated with this idea. My favorite in FO4 so far, as far as handgun mods go, is the Viper 6610 Innovative 10mm pistol. That's a kickass gun mod with full auto, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's what made me think dual wielding them would be incredible. I'm just not even close to being sure how that would be possible.

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Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking. Wolfenstein is a perfect example of that animation working in-game: Holster handgun #1 > reload handgun #2 > holster handgun #2 > reload handgun #1 > draw both handguns.


Dual wielding shotguns.. that would be incredible. Especially with the Pancor Jackhammer mod for FO4. *rubs hands together evilly*

Edited by Obscene911
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  • 11 months later...

I think for it to work, it would require a mod menu to enable the dual wielding attachments that being a whole new set of animations, and scripts for how far the bullets can go as well as how accuracy works etc etc, it would literally be a whole new weapon, not just melee or ranged, it'd have to be a whole new weapon, dual wield.
Another reason why the mod menu would be needed is for the option to add a keybind for the reloading function, which I've seen in bullet time mod menu, made mine B, but for the reloading would it have to be R? I mean in most games dual wielding has no aiming function, but in real life, it is totally possible to aim with two pistols, now maybe not two rifles, mainly because the kick alone would throw you on your back especially if you're using shotguns. Anyways perhaps another keybind could be enabled for aiming like the middle button on the mouse, could work.
Now I have pretty much no knowledge of how mods work or how to make them but, the very concept of there being dual wielding pistols in a mod, sounds absolutely impossible to make.
Hope someone makes it some day though.

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We have a script that can change the reload animation dynamically for lever action rifles and shell loaded shotguns to load just the ammo needed instead of a whole... clip(?) every time. Maybe it can be used and modified to work with dual wielded weapons?

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