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Removing and adding masters in G.E.C.K


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So I was trying to remove masters from a merged esp in FNVEdit, but doing so broke the esps. Im trying to remove the improper masters and add the proper ones in the geck but when I try to remove I get this message: This operation was not completed because CreateFileMapping failed to open file "Weapon Mod Vending Machine Patches.esp" (The file im trying to remove masters from) with error: Access is denied.


Exit other applications, restart the construction set, and try again.


How do I remove the masters properly, and how do I add the new ones after?


EDIT: Just as a note, the mods that Im trying to remove as masters are either in that merge, or in another merge.

Edited by NikoofDeath
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You must have the original masters and, your new version in your data folder.


Open FNVedit and, select The plug-in you want to remove the master from and, the masters you want to add/remove and, click ok.


Once there loaded in FNVedit click on the header of the plug-in, in the right hand window scroll down until you see the master list.


right click on the master you want to change, remove. you should get a warning click ok. Now you should be able to edit or remove the master.


Hope this helps

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Yes, but after I do this I get stuck on the loading screen (of the desert ranger)


What mod's are you trying to merge That are giving you unwanted masters? I've never had an issue removing unwanted masters or, changing the master of FO3 mods to work with FNV.


Please, explain what your trying to do a bit further.





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I merged the Weapon mod vending machine patches (for wmx, Project nevada etc.) where I need to remove the its own files from being masters, and the WMX patches (which were merged) need to be removed as masters.

I need to remove dragon skin bonus pack as a master for a merge of the bonus, and pn patches

I need to remove colossus t49 as a master to a merge of some power armor mods I have.

If you can help me, please do.

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Am I understanding you correctly? We'll start small so I'll just talk about, WMX.


Did you merged all of the WMX patches, the .esp's .esm's together at one time. Now the master requires itself as a master so, now you need to remove its master from itself?




It sounds like you started your merge with an .esp which required the WMX as a master them merged the master into it causing your issue.


Try this,


Open WMX master in FNV Plugin Utility, merge the Patches into it one at a time and, save. try to open it in FNVedit and, see if it still requires itself as a master. I mod my mods .esm all the time, merge my updates into the .esm and, I've never had the mod require itself as a master.


try my test and, let me know if it works.

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No, WMX works fine. It is Weapon mod vending machines.


This has WeaponModsExpanded.esp (which I have) as a master, along with PN equipment, but I dont have these:

WMX-DeadMoney (merged into WMX MW+DLC)

WMVM-WMX (In this file)

WMX-HonesHearts (Same as WMX-DeadMoney)

WMX-OldWorldBlues (same as above)

WMX-LonesomeRoad (same)

WMVM-GRA (in file)

WMX-GunRunnersArsenal (Same as other wmx ones)

WMVM-PN (in file)

Project Nevada-WMX (in file WMX Patches)




For Dragon Bonus I need to remove Dragonskinbonuspack.esp



For power armors I need to remove Colossus T49.esp

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