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Removing and adding masters in G.E.C.K


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Ok. WMVM doesnt require any plugins now, so thats fixed, but I have the other 2 plugins on my hands still.


Ok with dragon skin and, the bonus pack how did you merge it? Did you open the .esm first and, merge the .esp into it? and it still required the bonus.esp as a master?


I'll DL it and, try to merge it for myself and, let you know how it goes.


Do you use its PN support?


Edit: I was able to merge Dragonskin Tactical and, it's bonus pack without issues. I don't know how the bonus pack requires an .esp as a master though. That is strange and, must have ben done in FNVedit because the GECK won't save .esp's as masters.




Edited by chucksteel
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Im having the same problem as before though with merge patches. When I use FNVEdit, the "master" files are automatically loaded, then loaded onto merge, causing the merge to be broken.


Strange, I was able to merge Dragons skin tactical mod with having the master issue your having.


what's the other mod your having issues with I can test that one too.




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Somehow I don't think what you are trying is going to work out well.

Removing masters via FNVedit is most likey going to result in records that can't be looked up

Its only safe to 'clean masters' in fnvedit as that prevents removing masters still in use


as for replacing a master with a diffrent file, you have no guarentee the other file is using the same formid's, Most 'merger' programs do NOT retain formid's, so whatever files you are trying to change it to use is likey not to have the same formid's


You also can't automaticly merge multiple masters into one master and have other plugins ever figure it out again.


You basicly either need to be using the correct plugins for that patch, or hope he updates it to work with whatever version your using.

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