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Fallout 76 modding


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Now It's quite obvious F76 is slightly recompiled F4. I changed F4 registry value to F76 folder and fo4edit opened the data file with only few errors due to unknown ids.

I asked at the fo4edit page and this was the reply:



In response to post #64890106.

Ormoulu wrote: Hmm... sorry if there was anything wrong with my comment, if it was maybe you could be so kind to tell me what exactly? I just see that software is almost ready to work with 76, it opens the esm and reads data just fine though with some errors. Maybe just change some hardcoded values and some ids etc. And if that's already done please point me to where to find the project... if you mind, please.

What I want people to do is to not ask. I am not trying to be disrespectful but the game isn't officially released, you can't mod it, you can't make mods from the ESM, you can't use the assets, and Bethesda will not release modding until they are ready. For now they say modding is over a year away because it's going to be complicated.

Mods could easily exploit all sorts of things and cause all kinds of troubleshooting issues. Also it would not look good if some mother saw a video where a user modded their game and added adult content like CBBE. She will think her young teenager will be playing with that kind of content enabled. I am expecting them to restrict what is allowed. I also expect that they will not allow you to customize your game to your liking on your end. You will be allowed to choose from the available mods.

I already mentioned the typical INI tweaks to enable mods and loose files and that plugins.txt should be disabled. I am hoping by launch that will be taken care of to prevent modding. Adding mods could easily make it unfair for others and stupid people will make stupid comments like, well they didn't check their software good enough, I added a mod, they didn't do a good job of preventing me from doing it so it's their fault. That's not at all their fault and I hope they just ban people like that.

I would appreciate it if people would not use any content from Fallout 76 for Fallout 4/FO3/FNV.

- Do not attempt to export the records only to then import a Fallout 4/FO3/FNV equivalent.
- Do not use records from SeventySix.esm to create Fallout 4/FO3/FNV content.
- Do not de-compile papyrus scripts from Fallout 76 to use with Fallout 4/FO3/FNV.
- Do not use assets from their BA2 files even if you feel somehow they are possibly from Fallout 4/FO3/FNV. If you need assets and they resemble Fallout 4/FO3/FNV, use the Fallout 4/FO3/FNV asset.
- Do not slightly alter assets from the BA2 files and claim they are your work.
- Do not create content and claim it is original when it is clear it isn't. If nobody thought of it in the last two years and suddenly after Fallout 76 is released thinks of it, then it is obvious it was taken from Fallout 76 and not your original idea.

None of that is allowed and goes against their general policy that content can't be taken from one game and used elsewhere.

Bethesda is on heightened awareness and will be looking for stolen content from Fallout 76 on the Nexus and Bethesda.net. I will not appreciate it if Bethesda has to have a chat with us.

If I see any new mods on the Nexus of Bethesda.net that resemble Fallout 76 content I will pass it along to the Bethesda community leaders. I don't know how much they spent developing this and I for one want it to succeed. I do not want the use of xEdit to be the Achilles' heel of Fallout 76.

Once modding is officially allowed in Fallout 76 that will be different.

I linked that to Cartogriffi one of the Bethesda community representatives, and he said that looked fine. So what is the point of knowing whether or not there is Fallout 76 support?

Cartogriffi obviously could not speak as to what their anti-cheat plans are, but I can guarantee you they have some. I am testing things and communicating with them as to any known cheats we find or have heard of.

So this is the xEdit comments section not the debate what is and isn't going to happen comments section so do not talk about it.

I don't mind if I am wrong about any of this because nobody knows anything about it at all. If you need to discuss this and ask for clarification from Bethesda that's what their site is for. Feel free to start a thread on Bethesda.net about this.



I think all that is very arguable though quite reasonable.

Still I think things are not that much complicated. Bethesda allows modding because it gives them many cool things they can steal to new games, what we clearly can see in 76, and as for me I'm really happy to that fact :laugh:

What's your opinion?

Edited by Ormoulu
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Well for one thing, I already noticed that there are a few mods already sitting on here for FO76. Right now, my concern with any pre-Bethesda-says-go-ahead modding, is that they may just outright do what Activision does and just kick you right back off the server if your values don't match exactly as unaltered. I will say though that I don't see the problem with anyone trying to plan out their mods. Personally, I'm hoping that we can get a jump on adding in NPCs back into the game because right now it's rather.... dull.

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I'm sure there _will_ be cheats and hacks with or without modding, 'cause there are for every online multiplayer.

But I was thinking not of cheats but of things like optimizing and/or beautifying textures, lightning etc. The game really lacks that.

Not interested in cbbe or adult content, I prefer that kind of things irl :laugh:

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Mods could easily exploit all sorts of things and cause all kinds of troubleshooting issues. Also it would not look good if some mother saw a video where a user modded their game and added adult content like CBBE. She will think her young teenager will be playing with that kind of content enabled. I am expecting them to restrict what is allowed. I also expect that they will not allow you to customize your game to your liking on your end. You will be allowed to choose from the available mods.


I think those kinds of mods would be client side and not visible for others. Replacers would work for outfits, so you could replace Military Fatigues with some selfmade clothing, so the other Players would see you running around with Military Fatigues while you enjoy your stuff. For example :smile:


Edit: hit Code instead of Quote...

Edited by sieben79
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Nothing wrong with mods. As long as they dont break anything or give an unfair advantage. I will mod everything and all.

Now.. that lockpick mod with the bar is unacceptable. Thats just plain cheating. And cheaters never win.

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Hi. Right now the only thing I think will be useful to a lot of people who don't want to or are not used to modifying ini files, is an equivalent to the very popular F4ConfigTool.

In case Bethesda don't completely block the modification of the ini files. Please let us change FOV and get rid of that ugly Bokeh :/

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There are quite some mods I'd love to see in F76. I have no problem as long as those mods don't bring any game benefits for other player or change the games visuals for them, but I dont want them to interfere with my gaming experience, by changing anything.

Edited by NDDragor
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