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Best Fallout 76 Review! Get Excited!


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Actually, from what I've seen on YouTube so far, I'm pretty amazed by the job they did with Fallout 4. It's like they read my mind. Well, about what to do with a game so I'm not even remotely interested in it. They hit every checkmark there with their design decisions. It's uncanny, I tell ya :tongue:


Edit: just to make it clear, though, I'm not angry or anything. It's just, obviously it's not for me. I don't know for who it is, in fact, I'm drawing blanks even trying to think about it, but I'm sure there's someone out there who thinks it's the second coming of Jebus. And I'm fine with that. But for my subjective tastes, by now it's like keeping hearing that McDonald is launching a turd sandwich for 60 dollars, and for a micro-transation of 5 dollars they can also pee on it for you. Well, good for whoever likes that kinda thing, and I'm sure someone out there has a fetish about that, but by now it's not even interesting to hear about it again any more. I'm literally less interested in it than if someone came up with an USB boot that lets you pay 5 bucks to get a kick in the ol' family jewels :tongue:

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They took everything that makes Fallout good and threw it away, even the usual Youtube shills are struggling to say something good about the game. There's no point in getting mad about it though, like Disney's Star Wars they can create abomination after abomination but they can never take the old ones away, we'll always have those.

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Actually, it's not only that they took away everything that was good about Fallout, but everything I might have found good about whatever they're trying to copy there.



I mean, for example, I also play PvP battlegrounds kinda games, which is what they seem to have wanted to copy, but they missed THAT mark too by a mile. I mean, you take away even having to aim, because anyone can just hit VATS and automatically hit you in the face with a rocket, and you've taken away the whole point of those games too. Epic is suing people promoting aimbots in their games, and Bethesda actually adds an official aimbot in theirs? WTH, man. Just WTH.


Or if you're going for PvP, sure, let's show everyone when someone is in the menus and can't even see you shooting him. What the hell, really?


But really, it's like they couldn't make up their mind whether they want a PvP or PvE game. It's neither here nor there. It's neither full PvP, so basically you can run into people who can just ignore you if you want PvP, nor can you completely opt out of it if you're a PvE only player, because they can still plink at you and be annoying AF. There's a reason other games have separate servers, or separate and clearly marked zones, or both. But here they try to mix both in the same areas, with a mechanic that's not fun for someone looking for either. It's not fun for the PvE guy seeing his health bar slowly going down even if he doesn't want to engage in PvP at all. And it's no fun for the PvP guy, who can't even know if the other guy wants to participate at all or not, and can only keep plinking and see if that guy activates his PvP mode by shooting back.



Or for example, they seem to want to copy the building parts from Minecraft, but apparently nobody at Bethesda (in a position to do any design decisions) actually played Minecraft. Because there building isn't just about making a crappy looking house, it's an integral part of the whole game experience. You can (and usually have to) quickly build bridges or tunnels to get to where you can attack the other guy and whatnot, or build cunning trap rooms to lure them into, etc. Here you can't really do any of that. And with an interface that's an abomination of technology, to paraphrase Maxson.


Now I'm not saying you should like Minecraft, but IF you did, you're not gonna find a reasonable alternative in Fallout 76. FO76 building is to Minecraft building what putting googly eyes on a sock is to owning a pet.



Etc, etc, etc.

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Let's be honest this is low effort cash grab, it's full of recycled assets, there are no NPC's and they haven't even fixed bugs that have present for years like the frame rate dictating how fast you move, given that they were hardly likely to put any effort into the gameplay systems. I don't care what they do now, Bethesda doesn't understand Fallout and never has, I shudder to think what future horrors they have in store for the franchise.

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Yep, what he says in the video is correct. I think the same.


The game is already dead before they have released it. I mean, even PvP is really bad. All Battle Royal clones / DayZ clones have, no matter how bad they are, have a better PvP-System. PvP is the only reason to play such a game.

Their generic radiant quests, can't satisfy anyone for more than some weeks. They will repeat very quickly.


I have also seen some Bethesda white knights, defending the atom shop. "But you can a lot of atoms while playing!! A LOT!!" Yeah... sure.... If you earn a lot, you don't have to buy, but Bethesda wants you to buy. In the end, we now know. You earn nothing.


Best reaction to bugs was: "Yeah! There are bugs, BUT Bethesda will fix it before release! They said so, they will improve the game!!" Seems like they never played a Bethesda game before.


The only real good thing about the game is the world, they have recreated. I always love their created worlds and small details you can find. But there is nothing else.

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Having invested in all ~ 20 of the PC beta hours, my summary would be: it's OK*


(*) If you have nothing better to do with your time, like unblocking U bends and such.


Nice scenery and elevations, shocking FOV/DOF motion sickness (even with ini updates), some interesting mechanics to learn, zero emotional engagement. No need to mention the long list of software defects, we are all (probably) professionals.

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Yeah, this thing is just a big bag of Nope on so many levels. From the rollout, to the marketing, to the execution, it’s been nightmare fuel every step of the way. To me, it’s only a Fallout game in the sense that Fallout Shelter is a Fallout game: they share the word “Fallout” in the title. If it didn’t have the Fallout brand slapped onto it, I don't think anyone would care about it.


As negative as I’ve been about it since day one, I tried to hold out a glimmer of hope that the “beta” footage would change my mind even if only slightly. Not a chance now that I’ve seen the gameplay. Yes, the worldspace seems amazing but considering what other games seem to have done with more modern engines it’s not saying much in the long run.


As much as I’d love to go explore the new settings, it’s just not compelling enough to offset all the other crap in the game for me to reward Bethesda with my $60, just so I can have a look-see. I’m leaving that to the various YT and Twitch streams I’ve been watching. The usual suspects are the only ones with any real amount of enthusiasm I’ve seen thus far and even that seems sort of forced. Some have just ignored the storyline altogether and focused on team play and the loot-shoot cycle, which is obviously what the game is designed to focus on. Good for anyone who likes that sort of thing, not so good for those that don't.


Doing quests for dead people on holotapes seems pointless and boring AF, 'cuz ya know....they're DEAD. Having randos running through the game wearing nothing but their underwear and an oversized Vault Boy head with their gamer tag floating over it is not a selling point. It's exactly what I expected.


Fallout 76 = Bethesda’s New Coke (but will they buckle and change the formula back to what it was like Coke did?)


OT: Gundam has some good rants. His side-by-side comparison of dialog from Doc Mitchell and the Vault-Tec rep after character creation is classic…although he may have actually gotten that footage from someone else, not sure.


EDIT: There ARE some interesting bits I have seen game-wise: the reintroduction of equipment degradation, some very cool new architectural assets are what come to mind. But it's really only two steps forward and ten steps backward AFAIC. Some people will love this game, I'm just not one who has any interest in playing it...

Edited by RedRocketTV
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