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Can someone make a Summerset Heightmap ESP?


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I want to try and get into modding, but I struggle with Heightmaps. I am just wanting to mess around, see what I can do with a Summerset mod (just for myself and a couple friends). As such, can someone make me an esp file with a worldspace for Summerset (Alinor and Auridon)? If possible, with another worldspace with Artaeum? Nothing needs to be added to the worldspaces, just so long as the heightmap is already implemented so I can just start landscaping.


was trying to use the All Tamriel Heightmap, but I can't get TES Annwyn to work on my laptop. I've tried downloading and redownloading, following multiple guides, etc., but just can't get it to work.

Edited by ShadowDestroyerOfTime
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