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Best Mods that work togther ok for Character Classes...


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I have a few suggestions, based on my past playthroughs. Classes and Sub-Classes.


MAGE - Ward Functionalities Extended, Wizard Hats, Telvanni Spellsword Armor, Dwarven Sorcery Armor and Rogue Sorceress Outfit Retextured


ELEMENTAL MAGE - Elemental Destruction Magic, Shadow Spell Pack, Adept - Magic of Ash, Voltage + Ultimate HD Fire Effects


VAMPIRE - Volkihar Royal Knight Armor, Sacrosanct, Ace Blood Magic


THIEF - Thieves Guild for the Good Guys + Less Tedious Thieves Guild (Allows you to play as a more Honorable thief. And makes things less tedious as you progress through the ranks.) Deadly Shadows (Great for getting around on rooftops etc, for more immersive playthrough as a thief.), Frankly HD Thieves Guild Armors, Frankly HD Nightingale Armor and Weapons, Improved Shadowmarks & Prowler's Armor SE


MAGE/WITCH HUNTER - Path of the Anti-Mage


DARK BROTHERHOOD - Deadly Shadows (Also good for an Assassin playthrough.) Frankly HD Shrouded Armor,


FIGHTER - Ebony Armor Reshape, Dragon Carved Armor, Resplendent Armor + Greatsword, DCR - King Crusader Mega Pack, Mead Keg Backpack (It fits for a Nord Fighter to be carrying around booze.), Pumping Iron.


ALCHEMIST - XxAwesome_PotionsxX SSE + Small DLC and Misc Patch for XxAwesome_PotionsxX SSE, Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul. (I feel like it adds a bit too much personally. But would be useful for a specifically alchemist focused playthrough.)


All Classes - Bandolier and Pouches Mod, Leather Backpack & Hip Bag. (There are Bandoliers and Pouches that fit various factions. And there are multiple options for the Hip Bags.)

Edited by JDTonts
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