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PLEAS COMMENT AND READ! Quest mods aren't working for me :S


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So basicly I tried two quest mods, one of them that I really want to try out is this one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9782 Moonpath to Elsweyr and when I install them (I tried both with nexus mod manager and manually, I also tried putting the mods ontop in the loadorder) It crashes right after the logo intro. I know it's the mod that is causing this since I tried it alone, still crashes + I tried it without the mod, it works fine. D: So how do I fix this? :S If there is a way. I also tried the sound audio thing.



Oh yeah I only basicly have 2 mods other than this, a katana blade weapon mod, and a no blood mod, (I got this cause it makes my blade look ugly when it has blood on it)




Is it possible the remove blood mod is causing this?

Edited by BOND777
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Have you tried Wrye and BOSS?


True, you might only have a couple of mods, but there could be a conflict if one is loaded in the mod order before the other.


Use Boss to find out.


*nods sagely*


I had a couple of problems with my load order before Boss got more mods in its database.


Wrye works good as well. Loved using it with Oblivion. Which reminds me...I need to download oblivion again.

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Strange, send me a list of your mods and I'll take a gander at them and try them myself.


Of course, did you follow the instructions for using Moonpath?


After you have the file activated...

enter the game.


save the game, and then load your game from that save.


At least that's what the directions seem to imply.

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I can't enter the game beacause as soon as I start the game the logo of bethesda comes, and then it crashes :| It doesn't happen when the mod is not on and I am expereincing this with other mods as well, for example this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15862


The only working mods that I have on (Activated) are Nicos raven swords found here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19087 And the remove blood mod found here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36 (I got it to remove the blood from my sword which I found quite ugly.) :< But that's pretty much it. The other mods aren't activated. (List of none activated mods: Sea of ghosts, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15862 and I tried the wyre thing which made a patch Bashed patch 0.esp. And of course the Moonpath mod in the original post.)

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Hrm, I downloaded all those mods and they all work for me with no problems. What patch is your game up to? Could be a conflict due to that. I went through with a new character though. I had to do a clean re-install after my little nephew got ahold of some stuff he shouldn't have when I was making dinner. That should remind me to put the system to sleep when I'm not in the room.







I absolutely can not duplicate this crash.


Can you play the game when there are no mods activated?


Also, use the steam launcher and check the integrity of your files. I did have that happen to me once. I deleted the wrong file!





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I can play the game when quest mods/big mods aren't activated, (I'm starting to consider getting skyrim 4gb mod, but I am afraid if it will hurt my computer :<) Anyways no the steam integrity thing didn't work :| And I haven't tampered with any files, and I am on version



I don't think I updated the game much :< What versoin are you on?

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