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A couple ideas: hair, dunmer/argonian/khajiit immersion in windhelm, etc


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It seems that the only mods that add hair mostly import a bunch of hairdos from The Sims without really narrowing down which hairstyles make sense (ie: don't clip thru the chest, don't add accessories that are super modern-looking and thus immersion-breaking and silly). It would be nice to have a hair mod that is a lot more selective: adds better short hair options for women, adds realistic hairstyles in better textures/meshes for everyone.


Another idea I had that's a lot more complicated revolves around Windhelm: if you're a dunmer/argonian/khajiit, you're able to waltz right in without anything happening. You can shop in the normal quarters, get a room in Candlehearth Hall. The only thing that happens is the barkeep at Candlehearth Hall says something obnoxious and racist. What if a quest mod was made wherein:


-If you're a Dunmer, at first, you're only able to shop and sleep in the Grey Quarter. If you enter Candlehearth Hall, the barkeep kicks you out. The barter option for the blacksmith and other shopkeepers is removed. You're not allowed into the Palace of the Kings.


-If you're an Argonian or a Khajiit, you're straight up not allowed into the city. No if's, and's, or but's.


The quest, then, would lead to two possible outcomes: gaining the player character alone access to the rest of the city and acceptance from the Nords, OR, bettering the lives of yourself AND your fellow Dunmer/Argonians within Windhelm. The former would be easier and rely on something like speech skill checks (somewhat high so it's not too easy), while the latter would be a lot more difficult but ultimately more fulfilling and could have many potential avenues for successful completion. I suppose the Civil War questline could conflict with this idea? It could also dovetail into it, though, as an Imperial victory and the placement of Brunwulf as Jarl could be steps on the way to a successful quest completion.



One other idea, tho i have no idea if it's actually possible: being able to side with the Forsworn for real, not just gaining one non-hostile redoubt when you side with Madanach (also god that quest is buggy.... smh).


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